Sunday, October 31, 2010

Procter & Gamble to provide drinking water to Pakistani refugees - Washington Business Journal:
The Pakistan military’s attacks against Talibab and Al Qaeda militants in that area have displacex morethan 2.5 millioh people, including more than 1.2 millioh children. Many are fleeing to refugee campsx that are short of cleandrinkingh water, clothing and food, P&G said in a news release. P&G also said it is partnerin g with otherhumanitarian groups, including , to distributed 2.5 million PUR water purification packets to about 130,000 people on the community Each packet can purify up to 10 literxs of contaminated water, according to the release.
“P&G is respondingb to the Pakistan crisis with our largest emergency effort of the year with World one of our most importantglobal Children’sw Safe Drinking Water Progran partners, and Project Hope, a long-standint partner in Pakistan,” said Greg director of the drinking water program, in the release. Procter & Gamblwe (NYSE: PG), headquartered in develops, manufactures and markets consumer productsand

Saturday, October 30, 2010

UNCC likely to delay football plans - Charlotte Business Journal:
Dubois offered trustees a brief overvie w of the campaign for the school to start playing footbalplin 2013. He wants the trustees to vote on next steps in including whether to keep thecurrentr schedule. “It’s a boardf decision, but it’s my job to tee up the decisionfor them,” Dubois said. “And I thini when you look at thecircumstances today, you can come to the conclusiojn that perhaps a delay makes sense.” A lot dependw on how the current campaign to sell seat licensex fares. To date, 1,6933 seat licenses have been sold, with $540,000o paid and $2.1 million pledgede in those commitments.
Guidelines established earlier this year called for the school tosell 5,500 seat licenses by the end of That goal was scrapped soon after as a sluggish responsde and the battered economy convinced schoolo officials it was unrealistic. Athletic Director Judy Rose acknowledged frustrationn with thesales pace. She pointed toward an upcomingt advertising campaign and an aggressive volunteer sales team being formed as causedfor optimism. On July 13, local executives Johnny Harrisz and Mac Everett will host a party at Quailp Hollow Club aimed at spurrinbg interest anddriving sales.
Even if the guidelinezs are met for theseat licenses, it seems likely the startf date for football will be pushed back by a year or two as the schooll grapples with landing private donations to help build practice revamp the track and field stadium for a temporary footbalo stadium and meet othere startup demands. Dubois and the trustees scaled back their ambitions for footbalklin February, shelving earliee plans to come up with $45 milliom to launch the sport. Now they hope to do it on a shoestrint budgetof $19 million, but even that figure will be hard to The football scenarios were outlinerd during a trustees meeting long on grim financial news.
UNC Charlotte expects to take a budget hit of 11 percentr to 15 percent in the year all but assuring Dubois of having tocut jobs. At the same a tuition hike of $200 is expected for the fall That increase could make it more difficult to win approva l forplanned student-fee hikes in the fall of 2010. Those considered a crucial source forthe $10 million annuao operating cost of having a football team, must be approved by the collegs system’s board of governors. The chancellor pointed out that fundinfg for football and the rest of campus operation come from unrelated pools of but he also acknowledged the difficultiexs of battling asymbolic dichotomy.
“From the impressiobn it makes on facultyand staff, it obviously make it more difficult,” he said. “Icf we were in a situation where we have a significant reduction of our work forceand we’re going forward on football, you’d have to questionj whether that made a lot of sense from the symbolic standpoint. But, football is four years out. We’red really just setting the table forthat initiation.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
The results of spring fundraisers have been pilinyg up lately in the GoodWorks in-basket, so here are the • The Denver Public Schools Foundation ( raised $900,000 April 22 at its annuaol “Achieve” gala. The event at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Coloradop Convention Center was chaireds by RobCohen , chairman/CEO of the IMA Financial Grouop Inc. Business sponsors included Comcast, Tiffanyt & Co., Morgridge Family Foundation, Rockmont Capital Partners Ltd., Salazar Family Foundation and United LaunchAllianced .
• Denver’s Dumb Friend League received a record amount ofpledges — $865,000 — at its 16th annual “Furry Scurry” two-mile walk and fun run May 4. More than 6,0000 people and 4,000 dogs took part, despite chilly weather, and raisec enough for the league to care forsome 25,0009 pets this year. • National Jewish Health ( raised $100,000 April 4 at its annual “Hoopxs and Hoopla” fundraiser, which drew 375 to Invesco Fielc at Mile High to watch college basketbalkl broadcasts andplay games.
Local law enforcement officers donnerd aprons at Red Robin restaurants across Colorado Aprip 18 to collect tips from restauranf guests to benefit Special OlympicsColoradlo ( Despite the springy blizzard that day, the event raisedr $55,698. • Mi Casa Resource Center ( raiser $41,000 to support opportunities for low-income families to advanc e their economic success at an Aprilp 30 luncheon at the West Club Lounge at Invescko Field atMile High. On hand were Coloradko state Treasurer Cary Kennedy and Secretaryu of State BernieBuescher .
• Denveer City Councilwoman Peggy Lehmannraised $18,000 for five Denvere elementary schools May 3 at a rubber-duck race she hosteds in Goldsmith Gulch at Wallace The event also featured crafts, face painting and live Participants sponsored ducks for $5 each. The schools receivingh funds — all in Lehmann’d council district — are Bradley International, Samuels, Slavens K-8 and Southmoor . Business offering prizezs at the event includedSouthwest Airlines, Bicycl e Village, Whole Foods Market, Wintere Park Resort and Snow Mountain Ranchj . • Volunteers from Centennial-baser United Launch Alliance raised $4,500p for the Denver affiliate ofSusan G.
Komen for the Cure by selling custom-made cupcakes at variou s Denver sites onMay 4. Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List , the online help-wanter service for jobs in PR and other raised $1,500 for the National Sports Centedr for the Disabled ( through its “Rer Hot and Hired” networking and job seekinv event Feb. 12 at La Rumba. Some 300 peopld attended. BUZZING FOR PTA: Through May 31, consumer-ratings website is offering local parent-teacher associations $1 for each reviews posted by a consumer who selectxs a given PTA to receive the upto $1,000 per PTA. PTAs must register to be go to for details.
MEALS FOR WISHES: Maggiano’es Little Italy restaurants in Denver and the Invernesss area of Arapahoe County are supportingthe Make-A-Wish Foundatiohn of Colorado ( Throughu May 27, Maggiano’s is donating a portion of the pricd of each food item ordered from a specialpmenu — including seared shrimpp al’arrabbiata, chicken romano with angel hair pasta and bologneswe stuffed shells — to the which fulfills the dreams of children with threatening Maggiano’s also will donates $1 to Make-A-Wish from the sale of speciapl $25 gift cards.
TRUE BLUE: Some 200 Anthem Blue Cross and BlueShieldd employees, and their friends and families in Denver and Colorad o Springs, volunteered April 25 to help a numbert of local charities, including the Starlight Children’s Foundatiomn of Colorado, Project C.U.R.E., the Women’s Bean Project, Ronald McDonald House, Colorad Springs Rescue Mission and the Third Way Centet . Work included assisting in fundraisers, organizing production spaces and performing maintenanceand landscaping, assembling care painting hallways and building bookshelves and reading HOUSING GRANTS: The Denver Board of Realtorzs has made six grants totaling $20,000 in support of emergencuy and affordable housing.
Recipient agencies include SeniofrSupport Services, the Volunteers of America’s Brando Center , Warren Villager , the Delores Project , Rebuildin g Together and Hope Communities .

Monday, October 25, 2010

Luxury Consumers Hold on Tight to their Cash This Quarter - Marketwire (press release)

Luxury Consumers Hold on Tight to their Cash This Quarter

Marketwire (press release)

According to the latest survey of luxury consumer confidence among 1364 affluent luxury consumers (avg. income $298.3k; net wealth $7.3 million; 46.3 yrs; ...

and more »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Warren Buffett sells remaining Constellation shares - Kansas City Business Journal:
Buffett, his company BRK.A, BRK.B), and that company’s subsidiary , are each no longer stockholderxs inConstellation (NYSE: CEG), according to a form with the Securitiees and Exchange Commission filed Monday. They have been slowly divestinfg the stock over the past weekxsand months, owning 7.3 percent in Februaryy and 6.3 percent last month. The sale ends the relationship betweenj the investorand Constellation, one of two Fortune 500 companiew in Baltimore City. Iowa-based MidAmerican got a 10 percenyt stake in Constellation whenits $4.7 billion bid for the companyh made in September was rejected three monthse late.
That offer came after a cash crunch led to a steep declinein Constellation’s stock pricse over several days and some investorw feared bankruptcy. Constellation spurned the offer in favof of a deal tosell 49.99 percent of its nucleae business for $4.5 billionm to French firm , whicnh had also been in the bidding for the company in For the cancelation, Constellation had to pay $175 milliobn in breakup fees and $418 million for stocks. It also had to repag a $1 billion loan from Buffett with 14percengt interest. A decision on whether the deal with EDF requires Marylandr approval is expected ina week. The deal is expected to close this fall.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Census: American Internet use surges - Austin Business Journal:
That's according to a report released Wednesdau bythe U.S. Census Bureau, whicyh also shows that 62 percent ofthe nation'zs households report using the Internet at home in an 18 percent increase from 1997. Among householde using the netin 2007, 82 percent reported using a high-speeed connection, and 17 percent used a dial-u p connection. “As access to high speed connectionss have becomemore prevalent, so too have the numbet of people that connect to the Internet at home,” said Thom a statistician with the Census Bureaj Housing and Household Economic Statisticse Division. “These data give us a bette r understanding of who is using the Interneg andfrom where.
” Among the states, New Hampshire had the highest rate of Internet use for those age threre and older in 2007 at 82 percent. Mississippij and West Virginia had the lowest rates of use at about52 percent. Roughly 60 percent of Texans used the net in thedata shows. Internetf usage also varied by education and For individuals 25 and older witha bachelor’s degree, 87 percentf reported going online from some location in 2007. Abouf half (49 percent) of those with only a high school diplomza reported usingthe Internet, compared with 19 percent for thosr without a high school diploma. 69 percent of whites livedd in households withInternet use.
The same was true for 51 percen tof blacks, 73 percent of Asians and 48 perceng of Hispanics.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Report: Google, Microsoft court Twitter - San Francisco Business Times:
A Wall Street Journal blog reported that many expertssthink Twitter's instant 140-character format will be next big thingg for search, which is dominated now by Mountain View-based Googler (NASDAQ:GOOG), with Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) laggintg behind. Earlier this month mediqa reports said Google was in talks to buy with figureof $250 million to $1 billioh bandied about. Twitter co-foundee Biz Stone downplayed but didn't refute the rumors in a blog post writing "It should come as no surprise that Twittef engages in discussions with other companies regularly and on a variety of he said.
"Our goal is to build a profitable, independent compang and we're just gettingy started" A deal for Twitter has long been rumored. Potentiap suitors have includedPalo Alto-baserd , which was reported to have made a half-billion-dollarr offer last year. That offer, however, was said to have been basef on a higher pricefor privately-held Facebook'ss stock than the Palo Alto social networking companyt shares are now said to be valued at.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Legendary actress Elaine Stritch has 1 goal before she retires - less Elaine ... - The Canadian Press

ABC News

Legendary actress Elaine Stritch has 1 goal before she retires - less Elaine ...

The Canadian Press

NEW YORK, NY รข€" Elaine Stritch wants to tell an embarrassing story. And when Elaine Stritch wants to tell a story, you listen. ...

Elaine Stritch Visits Theater Talk 10/22

Broadway World

"Theatre Talk" Spotlights Tony Winner Elaine Stritch Oct. 22

Legendary actress Elaine Stritch has...

Moose Jaw Times-Herald


Monday, October 18, 2010

San Francisco Business Times wins 7 awards - San Francisco Business Times:
First Place: “Fast 100,” by Design Directore Craig Blanchard. Second Place: “Green Businesx Report - Mr. Green Jeans,” by Craigf Blanchard. Third Place: “From Potatoes to by Production ManagerMitch Green. First Place, headline “Party Like It's 1929,” by Editor Steve Second Place, business story: “S.F. Facezs Silver Tsunami,” by Staff Writer Sarah Duxbury. Seconr Place, columns, by Steve Symanovich. Third Place, “California Feels Growing Painsas Prop. 13 turnd 30,” by Managing Editor Jim Gardner.
The Siliconn Valley/San Jose Business Journal, an affiliatedf newspaper, won awards for breaking technology news andheadline writing. Winnersa were named in 67 categories from 424 entriesz from media professionals in the 11 Greater Bay Area counties for work donein 2008.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Market breadth turns negative from positive - India


Market breadth turns negative from positive


The market breadth turned negative, from a strong breadth at the onset of the trading session. European stocks rose in early trade even as most Asian stocks ...

Breadth strong


Sensex off 377 points from day's high


Sensex down 241 points from day's high as heavyweights retreat


India -Deccan Herald


Friday, October 15, 2010

Airbus celebrates 40th year - Wichita Business Journal:
The success of the A300 led tothe company’s firsgt family of aircraft, the A300/A310. Airbuse built 822 of the twin-engine aircraft, delivering them to more than 80 To date, the planes have logges more than 30 million flight hours and more than 620 of the A300/A3100 are still in use. “40 years ago – in May 1969 - the commercialo jet aircraft market was entirely dominated bythe U.S. Giving the go-ahead for the A300 was a bold strategixc decision,” Airbus CEO and President Tom Enders said ina release.
“Thd pioneering spirit of our engineers, as well as continuous strive for innovation andinternationao cooperation, have made us a globap market leader and at the same time a symbol for successfuol European cooperation.” The original aircraft was a collaborativre effort between France and Today, Airbus is headquartered in Toulouse, France. It also has manufacturingt facilitiesin Germany, the U.K. and Spain as well as subsidiariesd in theUnited States, China, Japan and the Middles East. Airbus operates an engineering officdon Wichita’s Old Town area.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Study shows San Antonio is nation's best-performing city in recession - Triangle Business Journal:
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzing the impacft of the recessionthroughouy America’s metropolitan areas. In the firsf of a series of quarterlyMetroMonitor reports, Brookings rankec San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Austin, Houstom and Dallas as the top five metrop areas in the country in economidc performance in the wake of the recession. Brookings ranked the top 100 metropolitam areas based on six keyindicators — unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing pricews and foreclosure rates. This initial MetroMonitor report covere the first quarterof 2009.
The five worst metropolitaj areas in the country impacted bythe recession, in descending are Jacksonville, Fla.; Lakeland, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; Bradenton, Fla.; and “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effectz of this recession, but the distress is not shared equally,” says Alan research director of the Metropolitan Policy Progran at Brookings and co-author of the report. “While some areasa of the country have experiencesd only a shallow and may be emerging from therecessiobn already, people living in metro areaxs that are now performing weakest economically should prepar themselves for a long recovery period.
” Howard director of the Metropolitan Econom Initiative at Brookings and another co-author of the argues that the report shows that a nationa fiscal and monetary policy will not be enoug h for stimulating the economy. “Many (metro) areaw will need targeted assistance, and sinced states have no funds available, the federa l government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activity have both helped and hurts some regional economies duringthe recession. For metropolitan areas in statesa with specializations in energty and government employment suchas Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisianaw — have largely been insulated by the recession.
metropolitan areas in states like Michigan and Ohio that depend heavily on the automotivwe industry have been impacted by the downturn in the thereport shows. San Antonio is home to Randolph AirForces Base, Fort Sam Houston, Lackland Air Force Base and Brook City-Base. The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure decision alone is providing a significant economic punch to theAlamo City’s economy through the consolidation of high-payinf military health care jobs and more than $2 billion wortbh of new construction activity. A separat e report released by LLC outlining the impact of BRAC showedf that Fort Sam Houston alone woulr experiencea 11,500 increase of personnel.
The Army post will also gain 7.9 milliojn square feet of space. Construction activity due to BRAC alone shouldcreats 46,000 construction jobs during the course of the buildingg programs, the DiLuzio report showed.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Avalon Global Group, Inc Company Profile | Company Information
Payless Car Sales, Inc., REZlin International, Inc., Holiday Services, Inc., Payless Lodging, Inc., Paylesse Self Storage, Inc., Payless Parkinf Inc., and Orlin, Inc. A Taiwanese investment group purchasede thethen 18-year-old Payless Car Rental Inc. in 1989. The international investorx recognized the opportunity to expand the brand in the globao marketplace and ultimately broaden their horizons into othercompatiblwe ventures. In 2001, Avalon Global Inc. was formed to served as the parent company for thesevaried brands. Advanced planning and vision have prepare d Avalon for the technological revolution andthe Internet.
With state-of-the-aryt technology and experienced personnel alreadyhin place, Avalon intends to capitalize on these worldwide opportunitiese and compete in a globalp marketplace. In doing so, it will increasr the recognition and presences of itsproprietary brands, as well as add valus and worth to its subsidiary companies. The compan y is one of the first to become involvedswith "diverse Internet branding", meaning the company offerzs a variety of brands in multiple all in a multi-language environment...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jury convicts man in $20M Palo Alto VC scam - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
After a two-month trial, 49-year-old Mosews Joseph was found guilty of charges thatincludede theft, securities fraud, forgery and fabricatinf evidence. The jury also found true enhancements involvint the taking of morethan $3 In total, Joseph stole more than $20 millionm from 13 victims named in the the district attorney's office said. In 1999, Josepgh began working in Palo Alto as the manager ofa $15 millio venture capital fund known as the Anila the district attorney said. He also formed Anila.orgf Inc.
, which was supposed to be an ofvery early-stage high-tech Between 1999 and 2005, Joseph spent much of his time attemptint to raise successor funds to the Anilq Fund, forming shell companies for varioux high-tech concepts, and seeking investments and loan for his one startup company that showed some a communications-over-power-lines company known as To finance thesed activities, Joseph obtained loans and investments from varioues financial institutions, venture capital divisionxs of large corporations, and a few privat individuals by greatly exaggerating his own wealth as well as the successes of the various fundds and companies he created, the district attorney said.
Joseph createde counterfeit documents, including bank statements, brokerag e statements, financial statements, audit reports, purchase appraisals and tax documents. He also forged signaturesd on various documents, ranging from signature cardz and bank checks to stock certificatess and a letter of Joseph is scheduled to be sentencedon Oct. 24. He face a maximum possible sentence of 28 years instatd prison. At sentencing, Joseph will be ordererd to pay restitution to the victims whichinclude U.S.
Bank, , Wells Fargo Equipmengt Finance, , , Bridge Bank, , Venturee Cyclotron, , Aerofund Financial, Remington Partners, PowerWAN and Ajay

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Anchor Blue to close all Phoenix-area stores - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Anchor Blue shopsx at Tempe Marketplace, Desert Ridgde Marketplace in metro and a location in Bullhead City are among 46 underperforminh stores closing in12 states. Closingh sales are expected to start Friday and last untipl all merchandiseis sold. “These strategic storse closings will help us significantly improvse operational performance as we proactively restructure our business to conformnto today’s market,” Thomas CEO of Anchor Blue Retail Group, said in a preparedf statement.
Starting as Miller's Outposy in 1972, the company changed its name to Anchor Blue in thelate Boston-based Gordon Brothers Group, a global advisory, restructuring and investment firm specializing in the consumer products, real estate and industria l sectors, is running the closing sales on Anchot Blue’s behalf. For more:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

UCSF Med School under fire from Sen. Grassley - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
, by James Oliphant, said Grassley, the top Republicaj on the powerful Senate Finance has asked UCSF to supply documents on federal funding over the last five including details of an external review by the KPMGaccountinb firm. “If the financial integrity of UCSF is Grassley said in a letter tothe university, according to the L.A. “I am worried that similar problems regarding taxpayer dollars may also exist at other campusews within theUC system, such as UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC Grassley’s comments come in duringf a continuing feud between UCSF and David Kessler, former dean of its medical school, who earlier headed the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration underPresident Clinton, over allegation involving the medical school’sw financial reporting. The Times reportedc that Kessler was fired inlate “after repeatedly complaining that he had been misled abouft the school’s finances.” Kessler has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the and is seeking to get his job back, alonf with lost pay, benefita and damages, the Times Grassley raised his concerns in an April letter to UC Presidenf Mark Yudof, according to the UCSF was awarded $444 million last year from the Nationa l Institutes of Health, with $383 million going to the medical which is also seeking a big chunl of federal stimulus funding.
University officialss have said Kessler was firedfor performance-relatec reasons, Oliphant’s article notes, but they’rw treating him as a whistleblower. Kessler’s lawsuit has been stayeed pending the conclusion of anadministrativew review, the Times report said. UC told the L.A. Times it has receivef Grassley’s letter and is sharin g information withthe senator. Chris Harrington, a UC also told the L.A. Times that Kessler’s allegations had been “exhaustivelhy and repeatedly investigated” and that UC had found no evidencer of any inaccuracies in the UCSF Schoopof Medicine’s financial records.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dhuran Ravi and Molly Wei Deny They Had Any Bias Against Tyler Clementi - ABC News

Sydney Morning Herald

Dhuran Ravi and Molly Wei Deny They Had Any Bias Against Tyler Clementi

ABC News

The two Rutgers University students accused of secretly filming Tyler Clementi in his dorm room just days before he leaped to his death, ...

The Tyler Clementi tragedy

The Star-Ledger - (blog)

Tyler Clementi: accused student claims innocence

Indian-origin Rutgers student may escape additional charges

Deccan Herald (blog) -Austin American-Statesman -SJU The Hawk


Monday, October 4, 2010

4 Ala. senators, others indicted - Pittsburgh Post Gazette

CBS News

4 Ala. senators, others indicted

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

The Justice Department unveiled an indictment accusing four state senators, the owner of Alabama's largest casino, several lobbyists and others of a scheme ...

Casino owners, senators charged in Ala bingo probe

The Associated Press

4 Ala. State Senators, Casino Owner Arrested in Federal Bingo Probe

Main Justice

4 State Senators Arrested in  »

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ladies, it's a night to remember: Ginuwine, Avant, Jagged Edge in concert - Jackson Clarion Ledger

Ladies, it's a night to remember: Ginuwine, Avant, Jagged Edge in concert

Jackson Clarion Ledger

And the Saturday concert by Avant, Ginuwine and Jagged Edge at the Jackson Convention Complex, billed as a "ladies night out," targets just that demographic ...

and more »

Friday, October 1, 2010

COLLEGE NOTES NW: Brockport, Greece, Hilton, Holley, Spencerport, Rochester - RocNow

COLLEGE NOTES NW: Brockport, Greece, Hilton, Holley, Spencerport, Rochester


He was also named to the dean's list for the spring semester. Jennifer Monks of Brockport was named to the dean's list for the spring semester at Ithaca ...

COLLEGE NOTES NE: Fairport, East Rochester, Irondequoit, Macedon, Penfield ...


COLLEGE NOTES SE: Brighton, Pittsford, Victor, Canandaigua, Honeoye F »