Monday, October 31, 2011

Wider Pacific Beach boycott weighed - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The union and its supporters, the and the , for monthss have advocated a boycott ofthe hotel's rooms and restaurants. The ILWU has been involved in contentious contract negotiations with hotel owner sincwe it organizedthe hotel's 450 workers in 2004. The ILWU said more than half of thosee workersare Filipino-American. The battle has gotten increasingl contentious since August whenHTH Corp. announced it wouls take back management of the hotelon Dec. 1 withoug promising to rehire all workers, who have had to reapply for their jobs. Outrigger Enterprises Group-affiliat PBH Management LLC had been managingthe 837-roomn hotel since Jan. 1.
Robert "Mick" regional vice president of operations for HTH was not immediately availablefor comment. HTH also owns the Pagoda Hotelin

Saturday, October 29, 2011

La Madeleine chooses new HQ site in Dallas - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
La Madeleine said it will relocateinto 17,00p0 square feet at 12201 Merit Drivwe in Dallas. The building that will houss the restaurant chain is a Clasws A building that just recentlyunderwent renovation. Le Madeleine signecd a 10-year lease with Parmenter Two Foresr LP forthe space. La Madeleine said it was attracteed to the space because the facility provides the companyu with the room needed to grow withthe Dallas-based architectural firm Benson and Hlavaty will design the interior space. The facility is scheduled to be readgy for its new tenantswin mid-July. La Madeleine's current headquarters is at 6688 N. Centrak Exwy, Ste. 700 in Dallas.
La Madeleinwe was represented byJosh White, senior vice president with ; and Sharronj Morrison, principal with Transwestern. The landlord was represented by Matt vice presidentwith .

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Banks work to pare payrolls without facing lawsuits - Charlotte Business Journal:
The number of complaints filed withthe U.S. Equall Employment Opportunity Commission’s Charlotte office grew a recorrd 12.5% in fiscal 2008 from the year But anecdotal evidence suggests the complaints are not comint from unhappybank employees. we are seeing more laid-off worker from the banks, but I can’t say we are seeing more lawsuitz filed because of the crisi s in the financial markets and theeconomi uncertainty,” says attorney Geraldine Sumter, a partner at . Margareyt Errington, Sumter’s colleague at the law firm who also practiceszemployment law, agrees.
“Sometimes, we do find a cause for action, but there’xs not as much of that going on as onemightf think.” A major she says, is that banks, like other employers, “are too Their lawyers vet everything, so there is a legitimate business reason for every decision plans to cut thousandsz of jobs following its merger with ’x acquisition of will have a large local impact as A Wells Fargo spokeswoman in Charlotte says the bank has comprehensivee practices to ensure compliance with employment laws and “It is also an important part of our company’d values to treat every team membet fairly and with respect,” she adds.
BofA didn’gt respond to requests for Banks and financial institutions have a reputationb for offering generousseverance packages. But to receive that an employee is often required to sign an agreement not to sue the companyufor discrimination. “It’s a big tool to cut down on liabilituy that’s always been around,” says Jonathan a partner at whose employment-law clients include financial institutions. “Banksz offer a pretty generous package, and so employeesw are asked to give upsomethint substantial.” “People do refuse to sign Crotty adds.
“It’s a matter of the severances compensation versus what they could get if they pursue a legal claim.” That puts some workers in a position to have to weiggh accepting the package or fightingh termination through legal means. “Many people are grateful to getthe package. They take it quietly or they can’t afford to fight it,” Errington says. In their severance packages, large companiez often recommend employees seek the advice of an Manydo so, just as a matter of Still, Errington adds, “there are some who feel it is not that they shouldn’t have been the one picke d to be laid off.
” An educatiob process in labor law is often necessary. Many laid-ofvf workers don’t realize that in Norty Carolina, employees work at the will of their But theemployer can’rt fire someone based on certain protected categories — age, gender, national origin, religion — or as retaliation. The burdehn is on the employee to prove And banks, like other larged corporations, have developed procedures to establish they don’t base firinv decisions on improper The first step, Crotty says, is to make sure the selectiom criteria for layoffs will hold up Decisions are reviewed to make sure they were based on legitimate business reasons and made without Statistical analyses are typically conductee to see if the layoffs have an outsizede impact on members of a protected category.
If the analysis showa such workers aredisproportionately affected, an employer can limit liabilith by demonstrating legitimate business reasons. For example, an employe that uses salary level as a criteri for layoffs often sees a bigger impact on olde r workers than younger employeees hired atlower wages. “If it’s a cost-cuttingg move, the courts will generally accept Errington says. “Age or race is not a legitimate reasomn for layingpeople off, but saving moneu is.” Still, age-based complaints are the fastest-growing category filedf with the EEOC around the “It’s part of the changingg demographics.
Baby boomers are more aware of thei rights under thelaw — many of them were instrumentalo in getting antidiscrimination laws passed,” says David Grinberg, an EEOC spokesmahn in Washington. Filing a lawsuit is time-consuminvg and costly, and even employees who feel they have a reasonable case oftehn opt not to goto “Most want to get the best package they can and move Sumter says. Discrimination complaints filec with the EEOC reachedan all-time high of 95,4023 in the fiscal year ending 30. The increase in the Charlotte officre was belowthe 15% nationall gain for the year. Grinberb says most complaints acrosas the nation are related to layoffsaand discharges.
During fiscal 2008, the agency filed 290 lawsuits, resolvee 339 others and settled 81,08q1 private-sector charges.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Prolonged NSAID Use Linked to Lower Risk of Colorectal Cancer Death - Becker's ASC Review

Prolonged NSAID Use Linked to Lower Risk of Colorectal Cancer Death

Becker's ASC Review

A new study found postmenopausal women who took nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least 10 years had a lower risk of dying from colorectal cancer than women who did not use NSAIDs at all, said an American ...

and more »

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dawson will lead TMC Charitable Foundation - Kansas City Business Journal:
The health system said Wednesday that, effectivwe Monday, Dawson will take on the role of executive directo of the and will continues to serve as themedical centers’ vice presidengt for strategic business development, a positionh he has had since August 2007. Dawson succeeds John Marshall, who left abougt a month ago “to pursue other Truman Medical Centers spokesmam ShaneKovac said. Marshall started at the foundatiom inAugust 2007, cominb from his role as development director of The Salvatiomn Army of Greater New During his tenure with the Dawson has helped secure a $7.5 million grant for 170 new beds at the Hospitao Hill location.
He also is organizing the developmeng of a capital investment fund that will help createan “I am looking forward to enhancingf the integration between TMC and the charitable Dawson said in a news release. Dawson’s careerd includes experience in several includingsenior living, hospitality, convention/destination entertainment and retail. Truman Medical Centers includezstwo acute-care hospitals: and . It is part of the nonprofitg , which also includes TMC Behavioral a numberof primary-care practices throughoutg Eastern Jackson County and management of the .
TMC Hospitak Hill is the primarhy teaching hospital for the and specializeswin asthma, bariatrics, women’s health and trauma services.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New shopping center hits the spot for East Baltimore - Baltimore Business Journal:
The $8 million redevelopment project brings a grocerty store and space for six smalle stores to a neighborhood that has reliedd on the Canton Safeway as itsclosest full-service food said Kurt Schertle, vice president of merchandisinb for Shoppers Food and Pharmacy, whicj is the main tenant in the Anchof Square shopping center. The new center is a segu between roads, industry and a residentia neighborhood. Each side of the property has a dramaticallyt different neighbor includingInterstate 95, a LP plastifc container factory, the Broadwat Diner and a street lined with bricki rowhomes. is developing the new cente near Johns Hopkins Bayview MedicalCenter campus.
Shoppers is the only stores open inthe center. Manekin is talking with a wirelesszcommunications company, hair salon and Italian, Greek and Asian restaurants to fill the remaining six The company hopes to have the spacee leased by the end of the said David Meiners, senioer developer with Manekin. Shopper signed a 20-year lease to anchor the 77,000-square-footy center. The grocery chain opened the 57,000-square-foot storer March 26. The Eastern Avenud location employs 135. It takees up about three-fourths of the center'xs leaseable square feet. This is the Lanhamn company's first store in Baltimore Andso far, business is Schertle said.
"We're getting tons of positive response from customeras on that sideof town," he The grocer also expects business to increase when the other store fronts are filled. Manekin, a Columbia-basedx real estate firm, partnered with the forme owners of the Anchor Fence headquarters to demolish the dilapidaterd structure inFebruary 2005. Constructiojn of the new shopping center beganalmost immediately. The old factor was constructed in 1927 tomanufacture chain-link and decorative fencing. Anchot Fence was acquired by Master Halco in 1997 and relocatedrto Edgewood, leaving the property vacant for several years.
"It's a nice retail hub to replacre a worn outfence factory," Meiners said. Baltimors City created specializedzoning -- specified for only the Anchorr Square property -- to change the eighrt acre site from industrial use to a planned retail development. Manekib has built grocery-anchored shopping centers at the Rotunda in Duvall Village Centerin Bowie, Harundale Plazwa in Glen Burnie and Fairgrounds Plaza in Baltimore County. Last year, there were 48,695t shopping centers in the United States, according to researchg from the .
More than 95 percent were consideree open-air centers that catered to neighborhood needs, said Patrice Duker, a spokeswoman for the Internationapl Council ofShopping Centers. Developerzs are running out of space to build enclosed Duker said. Instead they're concentrating on communithy centers located within three miles of thecustomers they'rre targeting. Nearly 150,000 people live within a three-mils radius of Anchor Square. The average household income for the neighborhoosdis $47,000, according to Manekin research. Retail tenants at shopping centers haven't changed dramatically over the last Duker said.
The biggest changes, she said, are the expansionn of grocery store services to includs banksand pharmacies. Duker said the added servicea "make stronger centers across the

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

BofA investors take on Lewis - Houston Business Journal:
“A standing ovation? I felt like he shoulxd have gotten booed,” said Jonathan Finger, a principall with , which owns 1.1 millio n shares of BofA (NYSE: BAC) and led a proxy fighf against thebanking Finger’s firm began a campaign in March to topple several boardmembers and separate the BofA chairman and chiefg executive positions, claiming that BofA deceivexd shareholders by not making full disclosure abou t the financial condition of Merrill Lyncnh & Co.
prior to its acquisition of theinvestmentt firm, which required shareholder approval in According to the live broadcast on the bank’s Web the much-scrutinized annual meeting, attended by more than 2,500 had a bit of everything, from shareholderzs quoting the Bible to long dissertations by company officials about BofA’s bright long-ter m prospects. As expected, many shareholders voiced their anger and complained about but others voiced support for his As for the highly anticipate voteson re-electing directors and splitting the CEO-chairman company officials said that, becausre of the unexpectedly high volume of shares cast at the more than three-houd meeting, results would have to be announced at a latet time.
Later in the day, the Associated Pres s reported that company spokesman James said shareholders votedto re-elect the bank'ss entire 18-member board including Lewis, thougu final vote totals were not official. There was no word at that time abouft the results of the proposa l to strip Lewis ofhis chairman'ds title. Eleven resolutions were on the including eight presentedby shareholders. “The mood was very but some credible shareholders voiced a need for changs and for Lewis tostep down,” said Finger. “Considerinv how much tangible shareholder capital Lewidshas destroyed, he makes Bernie Madof f look like an angel.
” Lewi s repeatedly commented that he could not answer voters’ questions about the Merrill Lyncb deal considering pending lawsuits file d by disgruntled shareholders after the bank discoveredf huge losses at the investment firm in late 2008 but stillp proceeded with the acquisition. Through the end of tradinf on April 28, the bank’a share price was down about 40 percent so far this including a nine percent drop that day on the news that BofA wouldr have to raise more capital because it had done poorlgy inbanking regulators’ stress tests being applied to the financial serviceds firms that took the lion’s share of U.S. Treasuryt bailout money.
BofA shares gained more than six percent back on Wednesdah during the broadmarket rally, adding 53 cents to closs at $8.68.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Class-action suit filed against Idearc - Dallas Business Journal:
A Dallas-based (OTC: IDARQ.PK) spokesman released a statement saying, "Othed than stating that there is absolutelyno merit, we aren't goinfg to be talking to pending In the suit, the Law Officesx of Howard G. Smith alleges that certain Idearc shareholders were misled by the company and executiv e officers who made false statements to the investing publi saying credit policies had been tightenedx when in reality the law firm says the companuy loosened credit polices to establishb revenuethat “would not be When the nature of the crediyt policies became known, Idearc's stock took severap precipitous drops, according to a news release from Smith'z office.
Smith’s office said it is seeking to recovefr damages on behalf of class members who he says were hurt whenthe company’es share price plummeted on news that Idearc’ds credit policies were not in line with previous expectations.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

MedImmune gets second H1N1 flu contract - Sacramento Business Journal:
MedImmune won the additional $61 million contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, six weeks after it acceptede a $90 million contract from the agencyt to manufacture ingredients for a potentialo vaccine for theH1N1 virus, whicy had been widely dubbed as the swine flu. now the Gaithersburg subsidiary ofthe London-base , is using the funding to produced and test the flu-fighting technolog it uses in its seasonal FluMisg product for the H1N1 virus, whicgh has reached the highest warning levels on the pandemic The follow-up awards were given to four of five pharmaceuticale that the federal government has been contractinv with to produce potential vaccine materials Sanofi Pasteur SA, , , and MedImmune.
In all, the agencgy has spent nearly $1.9 billion to date on thess contracts., MedImmune’s combined $150 million in awards have been the smalles so far ofthose companies. MedImmune sets itselff apart from many other companies withits live-attenuatedf flu vaccine technique, whicyh uses a live, but weakened, strain of the virus to inducse an immune response from the patient. The biotech company has said that procesz can protect against various circulating flu strainsat once, even if they’rew not perfectly matching the originap strain it was aiming to “We’re putting significant internal resources toward this projecr to deliver on this commitmen and move the process forward as fast as we said Karen Lancaster, a spokeswoman at She said the company has identified a swine flu entered the manufacturing stage and could produce an estimatee 35 million to 40 million finished similar to its FluMist seasonal counts.
Health and Human Services officials, who plan to reservew these vaccines for its national stockpile for use on priority populations in an said that clinical trials of the potential vaccines are expected to begin next month with some preliminary rounds of clinical data appearinfg as early as The agency saidit can’t determine how many dosees will be produced in all until it’z determined what, and how many, vaccine materials work the best. Localk governments also received federal funds to help prepard against swineflu outbreaks. The District’as public health officials received nearly while hospitals in the city receivednearlyy $300,000.
In Maryland, public health officials received $4.8 million, while hospitals received morethan $1.6 And in Virginia, public health officials received $6.5 million, whilr hospitals received more than $2.2 million.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tower Heist Threatened With Boycott Unless Universal Backs Down On VOD Plan - Cinema Blend

Cinema Blend

Tower Heist Threatened With Boycott Unless Universal Backs Down On VOD Plan

Cinema Blend

The Los Angeles Times reports that many smaller theater chains such as Galaxy Theatres, Regency Theatres, and the annoyingly named Emagine Theatres are threatening not to run Tower Heist in their establishments unless Universal backs down on this early ...

and more »

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hotel Guests Lose Sleep Over Snoring - ABC News

ABC News

Hotel Guests Lose Sleep Over Snoring

ABC News

Noise was the top hotel complaint cited by respondents in a 2011 JD Power and Associates North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study. (Getty Images) When Sharon Kirkwood walks into a hotel room, often the first thing ...

and more »

Friday, October 7, 2011

Analysts' Downgrades for October, 7th (CP, CSII, EC, GLGL, HRS, ICA, ICE, ILMN ... - LocalizedUSA

Analysts' Downgrades for October, 7th (CP, CSII, EC, GLGL, HRS, ICA, ICE, ILMN ...


(NASDAQ: IPCC) was downgraded by analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch from a “neutral” rating to an “underperform” rating. ITC Holdings Corp. (NYSE: ITC) was downgraded by analysts at Deutsche Bank from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating. ...

and more »

Near-record arctic ice loss observed

The near-record ice-melt followed higher-than-average summer temperatures that approached the record low observed in 2007, a NASA release said Tuesday. Ice cover shrinks each summer as the sun rises higher in the northern sky, reaching its annual ...

Ice-Melt at Arctic Ocean Hit Almost Record Low, Sea Ice Decline More Drastic

International Business Times AU


Monday, October 3, 2011

Lynx blow open Game 1 in 4th quarter - USA Today

USA Today

Lynx blow open Game 1 in 4th quarter

USA Today

By Hannah Foslien, Getty Images The Minnesota Lynx and the Atlanta Dream tipped off Game 1 of the WNBA Finals on Oct. 2. By Hannah Foslien, Getty Images The Minnesota Lynx and the Atlanta Dream tipped off Game 1 of the WNBA Finals on Oct. 2. ...

Minnesota wins Game 1 of WNBA finals, 88-74, over Atlanta

Los Angeles Times

Lynx blow open Game 1 in 4th quarter

Boston Globe

Minnesota proves its appeal in Game 1 win


CBS News -Atlanta Journal Constitution


Saturday, October 1, 2011

When will the 'eyesores' be fixed? -

When will the 'eyesores' be fixed?

Both are eyesores for the area and need to be cleaned up. We know that the restaurant has been a place for homeless people to camp out. OUR ANSWER: That is definitely one of the busiest intersections in Kamloops, with residential and commercial traffic ...

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