Thursday, May 31, 2012

Human Capital: People on the move, June 3 - Boston Business Journal:
was named chief executiv e officer of MercuryMedia , a Marlborough-based direct-responsee media agency. Pruett previously servede as executive vice president and chief marketing officefof PolyMedica/Liberty Medical , a diabetic supplhy company. He was also the CEO of Acadient , an online education company partneredwith . Wallace appointed as CFO, Leonared as VP of finance at SignaturesHealthcare , a Brockton-based health care appointed Eugene (Gene) Wallace chief financial officer and speciall assistant to the president for integrationb activities.
Signature Healthcare also namedd Kevin Leonard VP of Wallace previously served as CFO of AtriusHealtyh , while Leonard was formerlyy controller at . Grigelevich promotee to director of sales at The Leno x Hotel in Boston promoted Scott Grigelevich to directorrof sales. Grigelevich, who joinerd The Lenox in 2007, previouslu handled corporate sales forthe property. Richardsa Barry Joyce & Partners LLC promotes five to senior vice presiden Richards Barry Joyce PartnersLLC , a commercial real estate advisory firm in promoted five brokers — Thomas Ashe , Ron Friedman , Paul Leonw , James Lipscomb , and Jay Nugenft — to the title of senior vice president.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dayton area poised for $151M in bond financing - Dayton Business Journal:
Ohio is set to receive $423 million in Recoverh Zone Economic Development bondsand $634 million in Recovery Zone Facilit bonds. The bond financing is availablr under the Recovery ZoneBonds program, whicn was created by the Americanj Recovery and Reinvestment Act, through the . Recovery Zone Bonds are used to help areaxs affected by job loss and designedr to help local governments obtain financing for economicdevelopment projects, such as publif infrastructure. The stimulus act included two new typed of RecoveryZone Bonds, $10 billion for Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds and $15 billion for Recoveryh Zone Facility Bonds.
The economic developmentt bonds are a taxable Buildd America Bond that allow state and locakl governments to get lower borrowing costs througyh a new direct federalpayment subsidy, for 45 perceny of the interest, to finance economicf development projects such as job training and educational The facility bonds are a type of tax-exempgt private activity bond that may be used by private businessew in designated recovery zones to finance a broas range of capital projects. The bonds are allocated basedd on unemployment levels in municipalities and countieas compared to national levelsduring 2008. The programse will be administered accordingto U.S.
Treasury and Internal RevenueService guidelines. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland said fundsd will provide assistance to the aread hit hardest bythe recession. “This financing will spur development projectzs and investments that will help revitalizweOhio communities,” Strickland said in a news • The city of Dayton — $5.7 millio in economic development bonds, $8.5 millionm in facility bonds; • Butler Count y — $10.6 million in economic developmenty bonds, $16 million in facility bonds; • Clark Countuy — $4.5 million in economic development bonds, $6.7 milliom in facility bonds; Darke County — $1.8 million in economic development $2.
6 million in facility • Greene County $6.6 million in economic development bonds, $9.9 millionb in facility bonds; • Miami County — $4.6 million in economicx development bonds, $6.9 million in facility bonds; Montgomery County — $16.6 million in economif development bonds, $24.8 million in facility bonds; • Prebl County — $1.8 million in economic development bonds, $2.7 million in facility bonds; Shelby County — $2.5 million in economic development $3.8 million in facilituy bonds; and • Warren Countgy — $6 million in economiv development bonds, $9.1 million in facilitty bonds.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Business leaders collaborate to form Go Green! Wichita - Business First of Columbus:
The program is the brainchiled of Kennedy and Coe LLC Principal Dixie Larson and Marketing CoordinatordCandace Wilson. The organization, which will be a 501(c)3 nonprofit, plans to open membershilp this fall. Representatives from 15 Wichitsa businesses met Tuesday and formed a steerinfg committee to set in motion a plan of actionb forthe organization. A second meetinb is planned for Mondagy to decideon guidelines, includingy how companies can become members. The groul has invited city and state representatives to attendthe meeting.
The Larson says, is to encourage local businesses to becomed more environmentally conscious and encourage greater participatiobn in recycling and energy and natural resourcesconservatio practices. “The reason we did it is to creatre a green environment in Wichita and to fosteer other companies to participateas well,” Larso says. The effort already is generating interest, she says. “When we brainstorme this concept severalmonthsd ago, I was amazed to learn people were very passionate aboutg being environmentally conscious,” Larson says.
“oI thought if just this handful of peopld were interested then the hundreds of businesses in our city might be as In additionto , representatives from , , , , , , , , , , , and Sedgwiclk County are involved.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Phoenix home sales rise, foreclosure percentage falls - Phoenix Business Journal:
Arizona State University Realty Studies departmentreported 9,980 home resalesd in May, up slightly from the 9,10o0 recorded in April. In May of last year, 7,210 existinyg homes were sold. Foreclosurew activity in May represented 30 percent ofall transactions, down from a recentt high of 51 percent in February. “Historically, May is one of the strongest months in the resale home season that usually lastsuntil August,” said Jay director of Realty Studies in the Morrison School of Managementf and Agribusiness at ASU. “During the resal e season, sales and median pricess tendto increase, so some improvement in the locap housing market would not be unexpected.
” While mortgages interest has crept highetr in recent weeks, rates still are attractively low. But the ongoinvg recession and a weak job market coul threaten continuedsales growth. “There is increasing hope that the housinb troubles are beginningto ebb, and the bottom, alont with a potential recovery, are in sight,” said For the traditional sales market, the median price in May was $130,000, down 42 percentg from the $224,000 of a year ago. Foreclosed properties had a medianj priceof $150,090. That’s down about $25,000 from one year ago.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Study: Climate change could cause $12 billion in damage in the Houston/Galveston area - San Francisco Business Times:
The finding comes thre e days after a study found thatCorpusz Christi’s infrastructure will also be affected by climater change. “The Socio-Economic Impact of Sea Level Rise in the Galveston Bay commissioned by the and theBritish Consulate-General Houston, estimates that 78 percent of householdws will be displaced in Galveston County. A more aggressivse sea level rise could displace 93 percenrtof households, according to the “Climate change is happening,” said David co-author of the report and a professor at Texazs A&M University-Corpus Christi.
“It is not a hypothetical, it is a Sea-level rise is occurring in Galveston Bay as well as arounc the Gulfof Mexico, this is anotherf fact. “We need to consider the socio-economic impact of these changes and begin totake long-terk sustainable action to get a handle on the risinhg sea around Galveston in order to protec t the region’s future.” Galveston, Harris and Chambers countiesa were examined in the study, which used an economic model to assess the impact of both conservative and aggressive sea level rise estimates over the next 100 yearas on households, buildings, industrial and hazardouz material sites and watee treatments plants.
Under both scenarios, at least 23 public facilities and industrial sites wouldbe impacted. “If we take the very conservativer estimate ofa 0.69 meter sea level rise in the next 100 yearzs for Galveston, an Ike-levelp storm would be estimated to caus e an additional $1.7 billion in damage due to flooding for the three-countyy region surrounding Galveston Bay, given the economidc conditions of today,” Yoskowitz said. “To put that figure in it would equate to the media income foralmost 36,000 Texas households.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

GM files for bankruptcy protection - bizjournals:
Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem Inc., a New York-base affiliate of the Detroit automaker, was the firs t GM affiliate to seek bankruptcy protection Monday morning throughythe U.S. Bankrutpcy Court's Southern District of New according tocourt records. The restructuring will enable GM to emergwe as a viable entith under the brand namenew GM. It also will give the federaol government, which plans to make availableabout $30 billiomn of federal assistance to support the restructuring, a largre ownership stake in the company.
Two area companies were among the list of creditorsin GM's filing: New York-baser Bank of New York Mellon, with claims of $176 and Downtown-based US Steel, with claims of $9.6 million. For a list of see GM's . According to a release from the White the company plans to announce today that it will closse 11 facilities and idle another GM had already announcerd inMay .

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Study shows San Antonio is nation's best-performing city in recession - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzinfg the impact of the recessionthroughout America’ws metropolitan areas. In the first of a series of quarterly MetroMonitor Brookings ranked San Oklahoma City, Austin, Housto and Dallas as the top five metrok areas in the country in economi c performance in the wake of the recession. Brookings ranked the top 100 metropolitaj areas based on six keyindicatorsd — employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housinb prices and foreclosure rates. This initial MetroMonitor reporgt covers the first quarterof 2009.
The five worsyt metropolitan areas in the country impacted by the indescending order, are Jacksonville, Fla.; Lakeland, Fla.; Fla.; Bradenton, Fla.; and Detroit. “All metropolitanm areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is notsharesd equally,” says Alan research director of the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings and co-author of the “While some areas of the country have experiencedx only a shallow and may be emerging from the recessioh already, people living in metro areazs that are now performin weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recovery period.
” Howarde Wial, director of the Metropolitan Economyg Initiative at Brookings and another co-author of the report, arguezs that the report shows that a national fiscalk and monetary policy will not be enoughn for stimulating the economy. “Many (metro) areaes will need targeted assistance, and since states have no fundsw available, the federal government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activityu have both helped and hurts some regionaol economies duringthe recession.
For example, metropolitan areas in statea with specializations in energy and governmentremployment — such as Texas, New Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana — have largely been insulated by the recession. However, metropolitan areas in states like Michigan and Ohio that depend heavily on the automotive industry have been impacted by the downturbn inthe economy, the report shows. San Antonio is home to Randolpu AirForce Base, Fort Sam Houston, Lacklancd Air Force Base and Brooks The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure decisiojn alone is providing a significantr economic punch to the Alamo City’s economy througg the consolidation of high-paying military health care jobs and more than $2 billio n worth of new construction activity.
A separate report released by LLC outlining the impacty of BRAC showed that Fort Sam Houstonm alone would experiencea 11,500 increase of personnel. The Army post will also gain 7.9 milliob square feet of space. Construction activity due to BRAC alons shouldcreate 46,000 construction jobs durintg the course of the building programs, the DiLuzii report showed.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"I hope his death was extremely painful and horrible": Lockerbie victim's mum ... -

"I hope his death was extremely painful and horrible": Lockerbie victim's mum ...

"I detest Megrahi, he was monstrous, and I hope his death was extremely painful and horrible. That would help, but it wasn't just him that was responsible. "I felt happy when Colonel Gaddafi died but I can't feel happy now. "My daughte r was clever and ...


Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi: The Lockerbie bomber is dead


1988 Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi dies in Tripoli

MI News 26



Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great sellers know when to be pushy - Dallas Business Journal:
Most people think of pushinessas what’s wrong with Their idea of pushy salespeople are those who push buyersz to buy products and services that they shoulc never buy. When buyersx protest, pushy salespeople push back. That kind of pushy is what givesw selling itsbad reputation. That’s not the kind of pushhy I mean. The best salespeople are pushy. How can that be? The difference between good and bad pushy salespeoplde is whatthey push. Instea d of pushing their customers to buy thingxsthat aren’t necessarily in their customers’ best interests, these great salespeoplr push everyone else to serve theirf customers better.
I know one insurance salesman who routinely gets referrals to other customers fromhis accounts. He sees his job as gettingy the best insurance coverage forhis clients. He goes to his suppliers with a plan to explaijnhis clients’ coverage needs so they can give him the best They give him quotes which he brings to his clients. Do you think four quotess would be enough to give his customers a fewoptions ? For most salespeople it would be. Not for a pushyu salesperson. He pushes his suppliers.
He goes to 10 supplierds before he is confident that he has done all that he can do forhis

Friday, May 18, 2012

Shelia Bair on JP Morgan fiasco: Financial institutions are 'too big to manage' - CNN (blog)

Shelia Bair on JP Morgan fiasco: Financial institutions are 'too big to manage'

CNN (blog)

Sheila Bair, senior advisor for Pew Charitable Trusts and former FDIC chair, says financial institutions like JP Morgan are too large to manage and need to be smaller and simpler. Bair states, "This is still a very serious issue.

and more »

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Caparella resigns Gaylord COO post - Nashville Business Journal:
The Nashville-based hotelier didn’t say why Caparella had Gaylord saysDavid Kloeppel, currently chief financial officer and will take on an expanded role and oversee operationas as well as sales, marketing, development and information Treasurer Mark Fioravanti is being promotes to chief financial “John's departure has given us an opportunity to move forwarde with our ongoing effort to streamline our management structurde while taking advantage of the strength of our existing executives,” says Colin Gaylord chairman and CEO in a Reed says Kloeppel led the charge in several areas of business that helped the company maintain strong margins and preserve revenue duringv a very difficult economic environment.
Reed says Kloeppel’x guidance helped to shift the focuzs of the sales team to fill the occupancty gaps openedby cancellations. Reed adds that Fioravanti was instrumentapl in extending the maturities ofthe company’ credit facilities, which Reed callas a difficult task in the tough lendingt environment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Railway Transport Needs Major Overhaul -

Railway Transport Needs Major Overhaul

THE Tanzania Railways Limited (TRL) recently proposed to increase passengers' fare by between 25 per cent and 50 per cent, a request that was rejected by stakeholders. TRL Principal Commercial Manager, Mr Hassan Shaban, told a stakeholders' meeting ...

and more »

Sunday, May 13, 2012

GM Tonawanda hosting recycling event - Business First of Buffalo:
The one-day event June 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Plantr 5 on Vulcan Street, is co-sponsored by Erie Buffalo and the Northwest Solid WasteManagement Board. Last year’e event received 56,325 pounds of electronic 247 bicycles and a truck full of Electronics equipment is a source ofrecycled lead, steel, copper and glass. Items being accepted this year include: TVs, monitors, keyboards, printers, fluorescen t bulbs, cell phones, rechargeable batteries, VCRs, and DVD clothing, textiles, and bicycles. Clothinhg and textiles will be reusedc at Goodwill retail locationsor recycled. Bicycles will be used for bike safety education or recycled by Blue Bicyclrand Recycle-a-Bicycle programs.
New for this Buffalo ReUse will accept used ornew hand, shop and garde n tools, such as rakes, brooms, wheelbarrows, hammers and saws. “This is a natural extensiobn of what we doat work,” Plant Manager Steve Finch said in a “Our plant has been landfill-fre in manufacturing since 2006. We recycle or reuse all of our waste, so this evenyt to help the community recycle is a naturalk fit for us at General he said.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Idea Integration to offer Microsoft stimulus package - Portland Business Journal:
Idea Integration is one of six companies inthe U.S. chosenb by to offer Microsoft “They’ve cobbled together a lot of Microsoft technology as a solution that can drop into a systen and immediately track stimulus dollars and apply forstimulus dollars,” said Sandy Bateh, a senior vice president at Idea Integratio and the company’s Microsoft alliance manager. The package is aimed at state and local governments trying to get theid share of the stimuluas money and to trackits use.
Idea Integration and the other five companies offering the package were chosen because of their familiarity with all of the applications inthe “You have to understand the five underlyingt pieces of the technology,” Bateh said. Idea Integration will be competing with the othedr five companies forgovernment clients. Bateh said the most promising sectot islocal governments, since most of the stimulus mone ultimately gets spent at that Bateh said the alliancwe with Microsoft gives Idea Integration a chance to land new “It’s a great opportunity for companies like us because it givesw another entry, it’s a door-opener,” he said.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

GLOBAL MARKETS: Fear Returns To Markets As Europe Worries Escalate - Wall Street Journal

GLOBAL MARKETS: Fear Returns To Markets As Europe Worries Escalate

W »

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Balsillie could face $100 million relocation fee for Phoenix Coyotes - Business First of Buffalo:
That would be on top of his offerdof $213 million for the financially troubled hockey team to Coyotes owner Jerrgy Moyes. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfield Baum is hearing argumentds Tuesday on whether the Coyotes can move to Canadas as part of their Chapter 11bankruptcy reorganization. Baum is not expected to rule on themattetr Tuesday, but focused on rightsw and some kind of relocation fee to reimburs the league for its lost expansion team opportunity in Hamilton shouldf the Coyotes move there. The $100 million figure was cited incourtg documents.
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman declined to comment outside the downtown Phoenix bankruptcy court onthe $100 millionh or what a relocation fee mighgt entail. The NHL and other pro sportws leagues are fighting the Coyotes move saying it coulsd prompt other teams to file bankruptcy in an attempt to move toother markets. Baum, however, noted that moves by the Baltimor Colts, San Diego Clippers and others have not hada long-term detrimental impact on pro sports.
NHL representativesz said Tuesday that the league will continure to fund the Coyotes through next seasojn ifneed be, and its prioritty is an ownership group that would keep the team in If that’s not then bidders looking to move the team couled be considered, officials said. Balsillie contends that NHL hockegy is not financially viabler in the Phoenix market and is pushinyg for his offer to be approved by the end of The Coyotes have lost morethan $300 milliojn since moving to the Phoenix market in 1996 from The court hearing was slated to continue Tuesdayt afternoon including arguments agains t the Coyotes move from the city of Glendale, whicnh owns Jobing.
com Arena where the hockey team

Sunday, May 6, 2012

UC Berkeley, Albany Occupy group reach impasse - San Francisco Chronicle

Berkeley Daily Planet

UC Berkeley, Albany Occupy group reach impasse

San Francisco Chronicle

University officials said they would consider more forceful measures after the group Occupy the Farm failed to respond to their proposal to end the encampment in exchange for discussions about using part of the 10-acre plot for urban farming.

'Oc cupy The Farm' Deadline Passes, UC Berkeley Weighs Options

CBS Local


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Red Roof restructuring debt after mortgage defaults - St. Louis Business Journal:
Horsham, Pa.-based , a ratings agency that trackdscommercial mortgage-backed securities for investors, said four of the company’ s mortgage loans have been reported to be 30 days delinquent and are being transferred to a specia servicer. Frank Innaurato, a managing director at Realpoint, said the collateralized by 131 Red Roof totalabout $361.4 million. Red Roof has four smallere mortgage loans totalingabout $12.5 million that are current, according to a Realpointr alert issued late Wednesday.
The hotelp chain said it is in talkw with lenders to restructure debt related to the acquisition ofthe company’ws real estate assets “due to the curren t state of the lodging industry.” Red Roof in 2008 was spun off to two privated investment firms for $1.3 billiob and moved back to Columbuss after being owned by Motel 6 owner “To date, discussions have been highlyy constructive and we expect a positive resolutionj in due course,” the compant said in a statement. “These discussions do not affect the day-to-day operations of the company’ss properties and will not affect Red Roof’z employees, vendors or franchise owners.
” A Red Roof spokeswoman declinee to comment beyond the company’s statement. Red Roof has aboutf 4,500 employees and abouy 350 company-owned and franchised properties.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Southwest adds pet fares, raises bag fees - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Small cats and dogs can fly in the cabimfor $75 each way. “These new programs and processes are just the startingy point with additional initiatives planned for later this Southwest CEO Gary Kelly said ina “It is always our goal to be upfront with our customers and to set the rightr customer expectations. Our changes today associatwe a charge for items that are truly anextr service.” All pets must fit in a carrierr that goes under the airplane seat, which will couny as the passenger’s carry-on bag. Customerw can begin purchasing pet fares on June 1 for travep beginningJune 17.
Southwest also is increasinf its service charge to check a third bag or an overweightf bag that weighs 51 to70 pounds. The fee will be raisecd from $25 to $50 for customerz traveling on or afterJune 17. Southwest remains one of the only airlinez that allows the first two bagsfor “The increase in the baggage charge impacts less than one percentr of our customers,” Kelly Southwest will start charging $25 each way for unaccompaniede minors traveling alone between the ages of 5 and 11. The chargew applies to tickets purchasedJune 1. Unaccompaniedr minors may only travel on nonsto p ordirect flights, not on flights that changed planes.
“This service charge will help us cover our added costs and still maintain ourcompetitive low-fare advantage,” Kelly says.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monash traders look to fork out more - Monash Weekly

Monash traders look to fork out more

Monash Weekly

BY DANIEL TRAN NEWS of an expected rise in the cost of street trading has come as a surprise to Monash traders. Under the council's draft 2012-13 budget, fees are likely to jump to $174 - an increase of $7 - per furniture item.

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