Saturday, March 31, 2012

Austin unemployment rate drops; region adds jobs - Austin Business Journal:
percent in March to 5.8 percent last month. Austin had roughly 781,400 jobs in April, up from 776,500 in the priorf month. That's also a 3,400-job increass from April 2008. The sector posting the biggesg month-over-month gain was leisure and hospitality, whicn added 3,000 positions. Texas’ unemployment rate remained unchanged in Aprioat 6.7 percent and continued to trendd well below the nationa l rate of 8.9 percent. The U.S. rate was 8.5 percentf in March. Texas’ seasonally-adjusted nonagriculturao employment fellby 39,500 jobs in April. Texas has recorded a net loss of 173,9090 jobs in the past 12 months, compared with job lossesx of 5.
2 million in the United Statesa during thesame period. “While the Texas unemployment rate remains substantially lower than thenational rate, it is of real concer that Texans who have lost their jobs through no faultt of their own are having a difficultg time finding employment,” said Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Tom Pauken. “Continued unemployment claims remain much highe r than a year Thelargest over-the-month drop occurrefd in professional and businesss services with a loss of 20,1009 jobs in April, followed by trade, transportatio n and utilities with a loss of 15,400 jobs.
Leisurew and hospitality posted the largest industry gain in April with anadditional 10,600 jobs. Educationn and health servicesadded 4,50o0 jobs, representing an annual job growth rate of 4.5 percent.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sony promotes film chief to larger role - Reuters

Sony promotes film chief to larger role


(Reuters) - Sony Corp promoted film studio co-chairman Michael Lynton to a larger role overseeing entertainment operations, part of a reorganization as a new CEO prepares to take over the Japan-based electronics company. Lynton, 52, was named CEO of ...

and more »

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

AutoZone board approves $500M stock repurchase - The Business Review (Albany):
The company’s board of directors approved the repurchasd June 17 as part ofthe company’s ongoinfg share repurchase program, the company announcex after the close of markets Wednesday. The last repurchase authorization was in Decembeer and was asimilar $500 million. There were three $500 millio authorizations in 2008 and a totapof $7.9 billion sincw 1998. "We remain committed to utilizing shares repurchases within the bounds of a disciplined capitak structure to enhance stockholder returns while maintaining adequate liquidityt to executeour plans,” said CFO Bill Memphis-based AutoZone (NYSE: AZO) is the leadinb retailer and distributor of automotive replacementy parts and accessories in the U.
S. The compang sells auto and lighttruckk parts, chemicals and accessories through 4,172 AutoZone storesw in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico in the U.S. and 168 stores in Shares of AutoZone closed Wednesdayat $155.54, up 2.37

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Better Business Bureau warns of lottery scam - Triangle Business Journal:
The BBB says residents in the Triangle and surrounding counties have reported receiving letterz informing themthat they’ve hit the jackpot down under. The “winningf notification” letters claim that the recipients have won morethan $2 millioj and that to receivse the money, they need to send a checj for 5 percent of the earnings to a company callee U.K. Bonds & The letters claim that U.K. Bondz & Creditors entered the recipient’s name in the lottery and that the checo coversthe company’s fee for the service.
The letters also urge the recipientsw not to reveal their good fortune to publicf officials but to instead call a grouop billing itself as Lottery Winners International forfurthet details. The BBB says that foreign lotterty scams are a growing problem and that many consumeres who are unaware of such traps may have theitr personal identification or accountyinformation stolen. Such scams may be solicitede through the Internet or thepostal “Consumers must be cautious about the mail they receive, especialluy if it concerns information that is unexpected,” says Beverly president and CEO of the Better Business Bureayu of Eastern North Carolina.
“If consumers receive any suspicious mail or questionabldbusiness practices, it should be reportee to the BBB to ensurw that the company is reliable and the information provided is BBB recommends that consumers not respond to these letterds but to instead contact BBB througg its Web site at to repor t the issue.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Investment writedowns hit bottom line of area
Several Louisville-based companies have reported asse t values declining by millions becauseof re-evaluatiomn of portfolios that included investments related to the collapse of , global insurer and government-backed mortgage makerse and . But the complex nature of investments and corporate accounting rulees make it increasingly difficult to get a cleatr idea of what investment portfolios arereally worth. How bad are conditionse in thefinancial sector?? Bad enough that in September, officials filedf a document with the stating that the Columbus, Ind.-basedx bank is not directlh affected by the collapse of those nationaol companies.
“Given national news of the past two we want to reassure you that we do not have any materialo exposure toFannie Mae, Freddiee Mac, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual or AIG,” bank officiald stated in the Form 8-K filing. The documenft went on to state that the bank does ownsome mortgage-backedx securities, but it doesn’ty hold stock in those four troubled companies, all of which have collapsed or have been seizede by federal regulators. Suzie Singer, directof of corporate communications for Irwin declinedto comment.
Humana, Republic take writedowns Far more typicak this year were publicly traded companies reportinf lossesand charge-offs — termed a “non-temporary materiap impairment charge” — related to bad investments. For the third quarterf of 2008, wrote down $108 million from distressed Those potential losses had an impact onthe Louisville-based health care insurance giant’s earnings, with the insure r reporting $183 million in net income, down 40 percent from $302 million in the third quartef of 2007. In an 8k filing, the company stateds that earnings were reduced because of losses and writedown of investments inLehman AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddid Mac.
Corporate communications manager Jim Turner referrexd Business Firstto Humana’s public filings for explanationa regarding impact on the company’s investments. In an e-mailk response, Turner cited Humana’s third-quarter earningsz report stating thatabout 1.3 perceng of assets in the company’s investmenft portfolio and about 5.1 percent of the securities held as collaterak in connection with its securitiess lending program, are impaired. The e-mail response includeds a statement fromJames Bloem, Humana’s CFO and stating that the company’s investment portfoliko benefits from “broad diversification, high credit quality and short duration.
” Humana executives have said that the companu has a $6.5 billion investmenyt portfolio and “ample capital and liquidity” to meet regulator y requirements to cover claims. On Nov. 12, , Louisville’ largest locally owned bank, ranked by reported in an SEC filing that it would take anestimated $2.8 million charge-off during the fourtuh quarter related to a downgradse of four mortgage-backed securities. But that could change, and the companuy will finalize the amount when it issues its fourth-quarter earnings report for said Steve Trager, Republid chairman and CEO.
Trager said the investmentss “were triple-A rated stuff,” referring to assessmentas by independentrating services, and that the securities are its investment portfolio and not part of the bank’s loan portfolio. But investments in non-government-backeds securities represent less than 1 percentof Republic’sz total assets, he said. At the time of the Trager described theloss “ass very limited because we stay away from we don’t understand.” And when investments lose their value, “we work hard to go in and understanr what we’ve got and get it fixed.
” But just because an asse t is distressed today doesn’t mean it will result in a totapl loss. For example, Jasper, Ind.-based invester $15.7 million in perpetual preferredstocki — stock that accumulates dividends and doesn’t trade on the open markert — in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, said Mark A. Schroeder, Germajn American CEO.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Skybus plans have airports scrambling ahead of arrivals - Dallas Business Journal:
Chicopee, Mass., has received a $1.85 milliob grant from the state to fund renovations and improvementsw at WestoverMetropolitan Airport, where Skybus beginsa flying this month. The Columbus discount airliner will be the firsgt regular passenger service sincethe late-1980s at the part of the Westover Air Reserve according to our sistef paper the Boston Business Journal. Airport ownerd will use the money for utilities increased capacity forhangar upgrades, road reconstruction and the near-doubling of the airport's parking spaces. "It's a pretty significant piecer of theairport puzzle," Chicopee Mayor Michaeol D. Bissonnette told the paper.
"This will solve the parking It will also provide some infrastructures needs to the areas nearthe hangars." Meanwhile, in St. Fla., where Skybus also plans to begih servicethis month, officials are gettinhg the general aviation airport ready for the Airbuse A319 airliners Skybus will be flying into the beach town. St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport officials are spendingabout $1.4 million on improvements, Executived Director Edward Wuellner told our sister paper in nearby They're constructing a 12,000-square-foot temporary terminaol in a building at the airpory and making other improvements to support arrival. The Transportation Security Administratioj also hasa role.
The agency responsible for screening passengers before flightsestimatesd it'll have to spend aboutt $250,000 to install the necessary equipment to begin servicinfg the airport. So far, the agency has committed just to sending a smalll crew each day onthe hour'a drive from Jacksonville to open the securithy checkpoint for Skybus' plannef daily flight. Agency officials are reviewing Skybus' business said Ed Goodwin, the agency's federal security director for theJacksonville area. "Before they expendr a lot of dollars," he said, "they're going to make sure they're confident in the carrier's operation.
" When owner and publishet Max Brown soldthe company's 26 publications and printingt facilities in May, he set the clocko ticking for his departure within a year. It didn't take nearly that Brown, his wife, Lenore, and daughter Michelle are leavinhgthe company's Sinclair Road offices July 27, less than three months after the $44 million deal with closed. "Wew owned the company and ran it for 32 he said. "We weren't interested in stickinf around and working forsomeone else.
" The Browns' departure comea just as American Community Newspapers was acquired by the New York media company for $204 That company, now a 100-publication changed its name to The next step for the Brownd is a move to New Albany offices in the where they'll focus on the remaining assetsz of the company, which include Delaware County's . Brown paid $2.7 million for the club in 2004. Beyond it's up in the air, he said. "We'llo figure something out," he "It won't be in publishing." Free books ... quiz on Thursdaty "Bernard Shaw and the Aesthetes" anyone?
You more in the mood for "Simoniacal Entry into Religious Life from 1000to 1260"? If so, Ohio State University Press is offeringf these titles and dozens of othee out-of-print books online - for The press started offering some books as PDF documenta last year, but the pace of scanning has picked up rapidlyt this year and is gettinf noticed on academia blogs, Director Malcol m Litchfield said. It's one of a handfull of open-access initiatives by publishers nationwide, and fulfillzs the press' nonprofit mission to make scholarly research widely he said. "I would say OSU is pretth much on the cutting edge of he said.
Ohio State's library system is pickingf up the cost for scanning thebooks - about $100 compared with up to $4,000 for a press run of 500 to 1,000 reprints. There's little tracking yet of what'ws being downloaded, but Litchfiel has heard of professors assigning the books in The books, available under the Open Access link at , includ esoteric literary criticism and historiee of Ohio cities. There's a history of the publicf bath movementin America's largest cities in the 1800sd through the early 20th century, complete with a photograpyh of a bather's bare backside. Some haven't been out of printg that long.
A history of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati through 1996 was published in2002 - the year the Romaj Catholic sex abuse scandal broke nationwide. The book has one paragrap devoted to abuseby priests.

Monday, March 19, 2012

FedEx SmartPost leases part of big spec center in Olathe - Kansas City Business Journal:

Microwave Abilene
on Thursday signed a long-ter m lease for 126,000 square feet in the 602,000-square-foof spec building completed in late 2008 at22101 W. 167th St. in Olathe. Constructed in responsw to growing demand forlocal “bitg box” industrial space, the distribution center was developed by of Mass., and a partnership led by Dan Jensen, a principalk with in Kansas City. In when the 40-acre site for the structurd was acquired, Jensen said he would targeft large tenants that would take atleasgt one-third of the “We’re breaking it a littls smaller than we thought we Jensen said of the FedEx lease.
“But FedEx, we think, is a real endorsementy for that building andthat location.” FedEx an expanding division of FedExs Ground that delivers packages to U.S. postalp facilities for final delivery, will use the space for sortint anddistribution operations, Jensen said. “We’ve been workintg on this deal since October, which is indicative of what’x going on in this economy,” Jensej said. “It’s just a slow grind. But we do have some othert deals that aregetting closer.” Space in the new distributiob center is being marketed at $4.25 a foot plus operatingf tax, insurance and maintenance costs.
However, tenants will be able to take advantagd ofa 10-year, 50 percent property tax abatementy the city of Olathe granted. Banking on continuingv demand in Olathe, Jensen’s partnershi p and Sun Life acquired 200 acres at the southwesr corner of 151st Street and Old 56 Highwau late in 2008 for the eventual development of anadditionalo 2.9 million square feet of industrial space. “Thr industrial market has pulled back a little bit since saidEd Elder, president of .
But Elder, who representedr when a pre-recession wave of logistics activity brought it to remains bullish on Southern Johnson County and the broadere Kansas City area as growing hubs inthe nation’s product-distribution network. In 2007, PacSun opened a 400,000-square-foot warehousd on 74 acres along 167th immediately northof Jensen’s spec center. At the time, thosr marketing industrial properties in the area benefitedc from the planned development ofa 1,000-acre industrialk park surrounding a truck-rail intermodal facility near 196thb Street and U.S.
Highway 56 in BNSF announced early this year that the economyh had prompted it to postpone indefinitely construction on the rail portio of theproposed $735 million intermodal But Elder said the area’sw existing assets, including quick accesxs to Interstate 35 and other highways, will be enoughj to attract additional tenants once the economy “It helped promote and validate that Elder said of the BNSF project. “But PacSub got done without it. Kimberly-Clark did theirr deal (for a 450,000-square-foot building near without it. And Coleman obviously did not need to beon (an campus.” The latter reference was to a 1.1 million-square-fooy distribution center that Inc.
is building in the , a 151-acrse industrial park at 175t h Streetand U.S. Highway 56 in Ken Block, one of Kansas City’s top announced in March that he was entering SouthernJohnson County’s emerging big-box industrial markegt at a site just east of the new Colemanj facility. Block, a principal of , leads an investment partnershio that bought 229 acres at the northwes corner of 175th Street and Hedge Lanein Olathe. On that Block & Co. planss to develop a $275 million project containingb more than 3 million square feet of industrial buildingsa during the next 10 to12 years.
Brent Hansen, researc h services manager forGrubb & Ellis/the Winbury Group, said no industrial vacancyy statistics are available for the Southern Johnson County market. But the industriapl vacancy rate for all of Johnsonm County in the first quarterwas 6.3 in line with the strong metrowide average of 6.1

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Atlanta home prices down in April - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Atlanta had a 14.8 percenyt drop from April last year to Apri ofthis year, but prices were up a modest 0.3 percengt from March to April of this year. Priced in 20 major U.S. metropolitan areas fell 18.1 percent, Prices in the top 10 metros were down18 year-over-year. In terms of annual declines, the three worstt performing MSAs continue to be the same three from the Phoenix wasdown 35.3 percent in April, Las Vegaw declined 32.2 percent and San Francisco fell 28 But the news wasn’t all bad. "The pace of decline in residentiao real estate slowedin April," said Davif M.
Blitzer, chairman of the Index Committee atStandarcd & Poor's, in a news "In addition to the 10-Cityy and 20-City Composites, 13 of the 20 metro areaw also saw improvement in their annualo return compared to that of March. Furthermore, every metro except for Charlotte, recorded an improvement in monthly returnasover March." Denver, Dallas and Boston continue to fare the best in terms of annuak declines, down 4.9 percent, 5 percent and 7.7 percent, “While one month's data cannot determinr if a turnaround has begun; it seemws that some stabilization may be appearing in some of the Blitzer said.
“We are entering the seasonally strontg period in thehousing market, so it will take some time to determinee if a recovery is really here.”

Thursday, March 15, 2012

US unveils reform-minded immigration facility in Texas - USA TODAY


US unveils reform-minded immigration facility in Texas


KARNES CITY, Texas (AP) รข€" A 608-bed facility unveiled Tuesday in Texas represents what federal officials say is a centerpiece of the Obama administration's pledge to overhaul America's much-maligned system for jailing immigration offenders.

T exas Immigration Detention Center: Feds Unveil Reform-Minded Facility In ...

Huffington Post

Feds unveil reform-minded immigration facility

Atlanta Journal Constitution

New immigration facility intended to be more humane

Houston Chronicle


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

AP source: US soldier held in Afghanistan rampage had been at new post for ... - Washington Post


AP source: US soldier held in Afghanistan rampage had been at new post for ...

Washington Post

The soldier, who has been in the military for 11 years, served three tours in Iraq and is married with two children, was being held in pretrial confinement in Kandahar while Army officials review his complete deployment and medical history, ...

Soldier held in Afghan killings was from troubled US base

Los Angeles Times

Afghan Killings: Troubled History of American Base

ABC News

Washington base back in spotlight

CNN International

CBS News -CNN (blog) -New York Times


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Qinetiq wins $39M GSA real estate contract - Washington Business Journal:
Under the five-year contract, QinetiQ will developo new inventory management software toreplace GSA’s Public Buildings Service’s existing inventory system, which is beingf used to manage 354 milliobn square feet of office space and othe r property. QinetiQ’s Reston-based Mission Solutions grou will developthe software. The new software will operate ona service-oriented technology platform that QinetiQ designed for GSA’s Public Buildingx Service.
Such platforms allow various software operatinf on it to communicate to performcertain “Our expertise in service oriented software development and government real estatd management will help us deliver an outstandingv solution to the said David Riggs, senior vice president of Federao Solutions at QinetiQ North America. “W enjoy a long relationship with GSA and with the Publicf Buildings Servicein particular, and we look forwardx to extending that relationship.” QinetiQ Nortn America has more than 6,40 0 employees serving defense, homeland security and information assurancw customers.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

White House seeks to shape debate over health law - Austin American-Statesman

Austin American-Statesman

White House seeks to shape debate over health law

Austin American-Statesman

... on the new health care law as a moment to build support for the measure seen as President Barack Obama's signature legislative achievement, hoping to shape public opinion on an issue at the center of the battle for the White House and Congress.

and more »

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gingrich wins Georgia primary - Financial Times

Los Angeles Times

Gingrich wins Georgia primary

Financial Times

Newt Gingrich won the Republican primary in his home state of Georgia, while Mitt Romney was leading in Virginia and Vermont, according to exit polls and early vote t »

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Easy Continuous Batch Composting with New Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler - MarketWatch (press release)

Easy Continuous Batch Composting with New Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler

MarketWatch (press release)

17, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Compost enthusiasts can now efficiently and continuously batch compost with the new Dual Compost Tumbler from Lifetime Products, a leading manufacturer of blow-molded lawn and garden products.

and more »

Friday, March 2, 2012

ADP reports 532,000 May job cuts - St. Louis Business Journal:
Payroll firm ADP reportesd Wednesday that companies inthe U.S. cut an estimate d 532,000 workers from payrolls last month. ADP also revised higher its estimate of cuts in Apriloto 545,000 from the previous estimatee of 491,000. The ADP report noted lossezs across all sizes and categoriex of businesses with large business payrolldsdeclining 100,000, medium businesses shedding 223,000 jobs and small businesses cutting 209,000 employees. The goods-producing sector lost 267,0009 jobs while the service-producing sector declined by 265,000 The Labor Department is due to release its jobs reporron Friday.
The averagew analyst estimate for that report of governmentr as well as privatr payrolls is a lossof 520,000 payroll positions and an increase in the unemployment rate to 9.2 percenft from April’s rate of 8.9 percent. On Monday, The Institutwe for Supply Management announceds that its factory index rose to the highestt level since last September as new order posted their first gain since therecessiohn began. On Tuesday the National Associationn of Realtors reported that pending sales ofexisting homes, or contractes signed but not closed, rose 6.7 percent in the largest increase in six years.