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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Boston Business Journal:
The city received the award in the categoruy of Excellence in EconomicDiversificationh Strategies, which recognizes responses to planyt closures and other economix dislocations, that promote economic The competition is open to nonprofits; local, statde and regional governments; and universities and colleges. Cabarrus and Rowah counties lost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textilemanufactureer Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two years California billionaire David Murdock announced planxs forthe N.C. Research Campus at the 350-acrs former Pillowtex headquarters and manufacturing The life-sciences hub includes the participation of Duke the UNC System, the N.C.
Community College other educational institutions andbusiness partners. The total investment is expected toreacbh $1.8 billion. Residential and commercial developments are rising arounx the campus with hopes ofturning Kannapolis, a forme textile town, into a biotech center.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Scotts expansion in the works - Memphis Business Journal:
A resolution is moving through Marysvill City Council that would provide for a 75 percent property tax abatement valued atabout $1 millio for Scotts, one of Central Ohio’xs 50 largest employers and among its 10 largest public companies. Scotts is lookingg to mount a $23 million project to builrd a 40,000-square-foot manufacturing facility that will retainn 15 jobs and create33 full-time and 39 part-time positions, Marysville Administrator Jillian Froment said. The new planft would process coir, the outer husk of coconuts that’s used in EZ Seed products. “(The has seen success and they can’t keep it on she said.
The proposed new manufacturing Froment said, would generate an annua l payroll of about $3 million in the city, home to more than 1,00o Scotts employees. Scotts also has committed to find permanent spacw for 150 employees it has temporarily housef in portable school buildings at its Froment said. That will mean a new 20,000-square-foot facility, cost details for whichb weren’t available. “This is ensuring 150 jobs remainj in Marysville instead of another CentralOhio community,” Fromenty said. A Scotts representative wasn’t immediately available for comment Friday afternoon.
Council cleared a firstr read of the proposedd incentive and could finalize the proposal as earlgy asJuly 23, Froment A public hearing on the company’s plane is set for July 9. Scottsx (NYSE:SMG) in the year ended Sept. 30, lost $10.9 million on $2.989 billion in revenue. The company has abouyt 6,400 full-time workers
Friday, July 27, 2012
Mortgage brokers bearing brunt of blame for housing debacle - Business First of Columbus:
Brokers, who hook up home buyer s withwilling lenders, have seen an increasinbg number of mortgage industry players either cut off businessw relationships with them or slap tighter restrictionsx on broker-originated loans. That includes one of the nation’s largesg mortgage lenders, , which has ceased makiny loansthrough brokers, a group that originated about 30 percentt of the billions of dollars of mortgages on the bank’ds books. “My worst mistake of the past several yearsd was not doingthis sooner,” CEO Jamie Dimon wrotwe in a late-March letter to shareholders.
“Inm general, the credit lossezs in the broker-originated business are two to threse times worse than that of our own directly originated Butmortgage brokers, who insist theirt only sin was originating the types of loanss pushed by banks, say cuttingt them out of the equation will only make it even toughere for the strained industry to survive. They fear that dwindlingg ranks of mortgage brokers will mean fewer choiceasfor consumers, many of whom favor brokerxs because they can access a varietyy of loan products from an array of lenders and make banksw compete for business.
“Quite while they are punishing the brokerd and making ourlives harder, they’rse also hurting the customer,” said Rod owner of Lancaster-based Jericho which employs eight workers. As brokers disappear, it could get hardedr for borrowers to find the appropriatr loan or to negotiate with banks on ratedor terms, said Todd Helpbringer, president of Worthington-based , a mortgags bank that originates and funds about $100 millionj a year in loans. “It gets to the point where it takes away a lot of the he said.
The drop in the ranks of mortgag e brokers in Ohio has been As ofApril 6, the state had 3,8176 licensed mortgage brokers, down 52 percent from June 30, when the housing business was robustg in the state. Loan officers at commercial andmortgagee banks, which fund their own mortgages, don’t need broket licenses. Industry veterans acknowledge some brokeras jumped into the business only to tap the housin boom and just as quicklt closed when theparty ended. Most states have seen a 30 percenft to 45 percent decline inlicensefd brokers, said Marc Savitt, president of the , an 18,000-memberr trade group.
“I think brokers will mostlyh go away, and I thini that it’s a shame,” said whose mortgage bank funds loane and then sells them to investorsand banks. Brokers have been a key part of themortgage business, said Jeff Brader, executive vice presideng of , a Westerville-based mortgage bank. Many lendersx can’t afford to staff a loan department, he said, so they turn to independengt brokers who earn fees on the loansthey originate. “There is no way the banking industry can handle the mortgage industry volume,” Brader said. Indeed, a national study by the foune mortgage brokers originated 52 percent of mortgages in the nationn in the first quarterof 2006.
That contribution plunged to 32 percen t the last time the organization analyzef the data in the second quarter of 2008 a smaller percentage of asmaller market. When times were banks offered enticing loan products and enlisted brokers to matchn borrowerswith them, Cotnetr said. Many have defaulted, he said, but brokerd don’t deserve the blame. “They put all this loose criteriza out thereand said, ‘We’ll do this and this and this and go get us all this ” he said. “Ancd we as brokers did get themthe business. But then boom – that blows up and they supposedl y label us asbad businesses.” Not just bank s have begun to shun brokers.
Some insurers, who protect lender s and investors against are shying away from loans madethrougn brokers. Walnut Creek, Calif.-based said in February it would ceasew insuring loans madethrouggh brokers. The company had to scale back its anddecided broker-originated loans were a good segmentg to cut, said spokesman Joel “We are capital-constrained,” he “And if we could only do so much business, we had to ask where do we want to focus?” For mortgage bank s that package and sell loans they if one goes bad within a specific period, they can be required to buy it It is a mandate that can ease the feare of skittish investors.
But mortgagw brokers aren’t usually on the hook for a loan and that’s a big part of what’s driving thei unpopularity, Brader said. “If something goes wrony on the mortgage, then the broker doesn’t reallu have any skin in the sothere isn’t any real he said. Some lenders have ceased or reducef loans madethrough brokers, but many banks still embraced them, said Savitt of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. “They’re looking at this as an opportunity to increasewmarket share,” he said.
“They know the marker is going to come back and they know the brokerr channel is the most effectivewand cost-efficient channel of distribution.”
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Sacramento Business Journal:
“California’s day of reckoning is he said. With no action, the state could run out of cash in 14 Three months after the state budgetwas approved, Californi faces a $24 billion deficit. Schwarzenegger has already proposedx massive cutsto education, health care and Now he’s looking for structural reform to make government more efficientt and stretch taxpayer dollars. He’s asked the Statde Board of Education, for to make textbooks available in digitalformats — a move that coulde save millions. In 2004, the governor talkedd about blowing up boxes andconsolidating agencies, but the initiativess never gained traction. They’re back.
Schwarzeneggef is proposing once again to eliminatee and consolidate more than a dozenstatwe departments, boards and This includes the Waste Management the Court Reporters Board, the Department of Boating and Waterways and the Inspectiob and Maintenance Review Committee. Earlier this year, the state began consolidating informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzeneggedr wants to consolidate departments that oversee financial institutionsz and merge taxcollection operations.
In July, state leaders will receive recommendations on how to modernize thetax “This will be a tremendous opportunity to make our revenuexs more reliable and less volatile and help the statwe avoid the boom and bust budgetss that have brought us here today,” Schwarzenegger told lawmakers. It’s not going to happe n in 14 days, he said. But it could happen before the Legislature adjourns for summer recesw onJuly 17.
Monday, July 23, 2012
TriServ will lease at Concourse if it wins deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The deal hinges on TriServ winnint a massivegovernment contract, though. TriServ woulx end up taking about 92,00p square feet that has on the markeg for sublease in Concourswe CorporateCenter VI, the 33-storyh landmark office tower that along with its twin, Concoursew Corporate Center V, over Georgia 400 and Interstater 285. The two towers are commonlyg called The King andQueenn buildings, referring to their resemblance to cheses pieces. TriServ is a Jacksonville, Fla.-based group of healtnh plans fromeight states. It formed last April to pursuea six-year, $24 billion contracft with the Department of Defense to managr the government’s TRICARE program for the southern U.S. region.
TRICARdE is the government’s health-care plan for military personnel, retirees, and their families and dependents. TriServ is potentially competing against severalotheer companies, including , a divisionh of , which has the contract throughg its expiration at the end of May. The Departmenrt of Defense has until June 1 to name the winning bid to manages theTRICARE program. It can also ask Congress to extend the An announcement from the government couldc come as early asMay 8, said John TriServ’s senior vice president for external affairs. “We are waiting anxiously for that moment,” he CB .
’s Sam Holmes and Anne Lofye are representingg CompuCredit in the potential transaction that would bringt TriServto Concourse. is also helping to broker the deal. TriServ had scouted locationes acrossthe market, which includes buildinges around Perimeter Mall and the city of Sand y Springs. TriServ would mark an important transactionin Atlanta’s Centrakl Perimeter submarket. Atlanta recorded almost 525,000 square feet of negative overall absorption during the firstt quarterof 2009, with buildings in Centra Perimeter suffering the greatest exodus of tenants and highest rise in according to Cushman & Wakefield. Concourse Corporate Centet is ownedby .
manages and leaseas the property. George Lipscomb, former head of properth management for CousinsProperties Inc., is the new chiec operating officer for . Lipscomb will oversee day-to-dat operations of Fifth Street’zs more than 5 million squaree feet of managed includingPerimeter Summit, the well-known mixed-use development near Perimetedr Mall that contains three office towers, the Villw Christina restaurant and a 330-unit condominium. Prio r to joining Fifth Street, Lipscomb was director of property management, overseeing a portfoliok that included office buildings suchas Buckhead’s 21-story , home to Central Perimeter’s King and Queeh buildings.
Lipscomb was also previously employed at OneSource and served as vice presidenytof L.P. until 2006. National Electroni c Attachment Inc. (NEA) and its sister company, , recently agreed to lease nearly 17,000 squaree feet at 3577 Parkwa y Lanein Norcross. National Electronic Attachment was slated to move into its new home by the end of National Electronic Attachment and Medical Electronic Attachmentr recently forged an equity partnership within Boston. Theif technology can digitize health-care attachments for health-care providers and payers, helping to speed up the claimx process.
National Electronic Attachment wants to position itself at the forefront of the national shift towarsd electronicmedical records. Julie Hoffman and Apripl Hawkinson with The handled lease negotiationssfor NEA. VIF II/Royal Peachtree Corners LLC, owner of 3577 Parkwa Lane, was represented by Bryan Heller of TPARealthy Services. of Atlanta — one of the largest industry networkingy organizations in theSoutheast — was scheduled to hold its annual awards May 7. Sally Elliott, senior vice president and director of operationws with PM RealtyGroup L.P.
, was to receive the career advancement for women award, recognizing her commitmenty to helping women advance in commercial real Elliott joined the organization in 2000 and now serves on the boars of directors as treasurer and secretary. The economivc improvement award was to go toTahmida Shamsuddin, vice presidenyt of economic development for Central Atlantaw Progress, and Cheryl Thomas managing director of tax allocation districts with the . Centrak Atlanta Progress spearheaded the creation of a statewide campaign committeecalled .
It was successful in convincinhg voters last year to amenxd the state constitution and alloww school systems to once again choose to participatre in local tax allocation Shamsuddin helped create and manage the Strickland and her team closeed ona $64 million Westside tax allocationb district bond issue last year. The proceedsa provide critical fundingfor $429 million in redevelopmenf projects in downtown Atlanta, includiny the Center for Civil and Human Rights, Technologyy Enterprise Park, 45 Allemn Plaza, the and Castleberry Point, Northside Plaza and Historic Westsidw Village. The humanitarian award was to go toLaurie Ford, directodr of project management for .
Ford began volunteering at the , a nonprofit that provides shelter and service sto at-risk and homeless children. Ford successfully solicited corporate and private donora for contributions and helped developl a new Covenant House center that will focusd on educationfor at-risk youth and their Heather Rich, director of corporat e accounts for LLC, was to receivwe the Shining Light Award. a member of CREW since 1998, served on numerous committees until 2004 when she becamer a director fortwo years. Rich servexd as president in 2008 and was instrumentalk in carrying outthe organization’s new strategicx plan.
Rich also oversaw the largest fundraising drivd to date and the biggest surge in membership since CREW was Tonya Creekmore, vice president of leasing for , was to receiv the distinguished achievement award. Since Creekmore held several key posts, including secretary, vice president of membership and Atlantachaptert president. She serves on the national CREW network board of The connector of the year award was to go to Lori a partner with lawfirm LLP. Kilberg was recognizedr for her commitment to working with fellowq CREW members and referring businessz tothe network. The company of the year awarde was to go to Chicago TitleInsurance Co., whicyh has supported CREW since 1994.
Melissa Hall, vice presiden t at Chicago Title, is CREW Atlanta’s president-elect. The new membe of the year award was to go toAriela Paschal, who workss in client services and manages public relations for and Katherinre Brooks, general manager of Hines Interestss L.P. Owners of Atlanta’s distressed apartment properties will soon begib to unload them atsteep discounts, accordinbg to a new report issued by real estatse investment services firm .
“Investment activity in the Atlants apartment market is constrained and will be dominatedf by distressed sales in thecoming months,” said John regional manager of the Atlanta A distressed property faces high vacancyy rates and may involve an owner who is unable to make loan paymentes on time, putting the property in risk of Owners of apartments in Stoner Mountain, Clarkston and West Atlanta, where propertiess were bought near the peak of the will be most vulnerable, Leonard said. Severap factors are combining to make it a difficulrt year for apartment investment according tothe report.
Atlanta is expectedf to lose 51,000 jobs this as payrolls decline and consumerspendinfg falls. Developers will complete about 3,300 unites this year in Atlanta, or about 1,20p fewer than last year, a 27 percenf drop, the report said. This year will also mark the smalles t number of units added to the markety in more thana decade. Apartment vacancyh is expected to exceed 11 percentf and asking rents are forecast to fall 4 percent toabout $828 a This column in the April 24-30 issue reportedr the wrong location of the on Poncee de Leon Boulevard. It is in the Poncey-Highland neighborhood.
Anothedr item in the same column omittedc the credit for the photograpyhof NAIOP’s check presentation to students. It should have credited HarrisHatcher
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Richmond crawls out of Cairns after bank job goes awry - Herald Sun
The Age | Richmond crawls out of Cairns after bank job goes awry Herald Sun No, it was a humid Cairns, a lack of depth, and a lack of conviction, leadership and strategy in the final moments that conspired against Richmond. Only Dire Straits ever thought you could get Money for Nothing. Certainly, the Tigers pocket the cash ... Suns shining in Cairns< p size="-1" color="#6f6f6f"> Cairns a boost for AFL Suns against Tigers |
Friday, July 20, 2012
New Study Of US Physicians Offers Insights Into Their Rapidly-Changing ... - MarketWatch (press release)
New Study Of US Physicians Offers Insights Into Their Rapidly-Changing ... MarketWatch (press release) The first in a series of three studies with physicians, Today's Physician: Managing Change by MedPage Today demonstrates that physicians are increasingly worried about their futures amidst a rapidly evolving landscape for medical care in the U.S. - 1 ... New Study Of U.S. Physicians Offers Insights Into Their Rapidly-Changing ... |
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Armed with livelihood skills, PLHAs get new lease of life -
Armed with livelihood skills, PLHAs get new lease of life Armed with livelihood skills, PLHAs get new lease of life. Source: Hueiyen News Service / Pamreiso Shimray. Ukhrul, July 18 2012: For the people living with HIV/AIDS particularly the women and widows in Ukhrul, it is a new beginning to look on life ... |
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
'Seven Minutes of Terror': NASA Mars Rover's Viral Video - ABC News
ABC News | 'Seven Minutes of Terror': NASA Mars Rover's Viral Video ABC News NASA has sent a new rover, c » |
Monday, July 16, 2012
bizjournals: Building materials, costs soaring in Katrina's wake
That's happening for Kristal Wingate, owner of RoofToop Services inWinter Springs, Fla. She and her team of roofersd have been ferrying supplies to the Gulf Coasftin trailers, she told the . she'll be taking a five-month trip into the regio to workon rebuilding. "I've put new work (in Centra l Florida) on hold," she "With construction, it is feast or famine. With every constructio trade, unless you've got a builder who'l l keep you busy, subcontractors are going to go where thework is." But when that time said Turner, of Kansas City'ss Walton Construction, that could bring stilpl another headache.
Contractors working in the disasteer area will have to find a place for all those workersto stay. And such places are hard to find alontgthe rubble-strewn Gulf "Baton Rouge, for example, is so inundated with additional population right now that no lodging is availablse in any form right now," Turnerr said.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Routes for Nato containers specified - Business Recorder
Business Recorder | Routes for Nato containers specified Business Recorder Stay updated with Business News, Pakistan news, Current world news and latest world news with Business Recorder. |
Friday, July 13, 2012
The Closure Of Aquarius Reef Base And America's Scientific Ambitions - Huffington Post
The Closure Of Aquarius Reef Base And America's Scientific Ambitions Huffington Post The looming closure of America's last underwater base has caused too little scandal and not enough discussion of the future of scientific exploration. |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Debt collectors ringing up sales - Boston Business Journal:
Paul Donatio, district manager at in Lexington, said customerxs are not sitting back this year waitintg tocollect debts. “We’re in a record-breaking year,” said Donatio. With creditr card use at an all-time high and fallouf from the foreclosure crisis pushing the credity market intoa tailspin, more businesses are turning to debt Market analysts expect collections industry revenue to reach a 10-yea high of $14 billion in 2008 and projectf growth for the next five years. For debt the economic environmentis fertile. Market research firm IBISWorld Inc. projects U.S. collection agency profitss will riseby 9.8 percent year over year in 2008.
IBISWorlf lists the collection industry as one of the top 10 performerx ofthe year. U.S. collection agencies will generate total revenueof $14 billion in a 4.8 percent increase from 2007. Revenure is expected to increasre byanother 3.2 percent in according to a July 2008 report. In 2007, , which employ 30 workers, did $1.1 million in This year Donatio isprojecting $1.5 million. , among the largesft nationwide debtcollection companies, acquired Transworld in Februaryt 2008. Nevertheless, debt collectors say they are wary of stella rearning outlooks, saying it’s harderf to collect when pockets are empty.
Robertf Terrasi, president and CEO of Milford-basef Peter Roberts & Associates said business is up by 6 percent overlast “In this economy, I guess it’s a prett decent number,” said Terrasi. The company sends out 40,0009 notices per month and employsa 25-person staff that workws daytime and evening shifts to procesas collection cycles that typically run 120 days Terrasi said. While the volume of business has risen sinced the company was founded 11years ago, its fees have droppec from 33 percent of collectedx debt to the high teens or low 20s, Terrasoi said.
“The amount of calls and noticez is significantly upbecause we’ve But the margins are thinner,” said He said collectors end up collecting close to the same overall amouny in a bad economy because the average size payment “Bad debt is everywhere, but you’re collecting in a tougheer economy,” said Terrasi, who added most of the company’sx clients are from the medicao industry. Both Terrasi and Donati expect growth in healthcare collections. Faced with projectionzs of double-digit heating costs this winter, Donatio also projects a rise in demanr fromits home-heating customers like the .
One-thirfd of Transworld Lexington’s clients are offices, medical groups and dentists. Transworld’s customer base has growjn by 2,000 customers since 2004, he said. Despite the upswing, he’sx seeing a decrease in recoveru rates. More and more types of businesses are lookingy forcollection services, from hospitals to hardwarde stores, resulting in a rise in business volume, said Rozanne Andersen, generalp counsel and executive vice presiden t of Minneapolis-based collection agenchy trade organization ACA International. The percentage of money recoverer is at a slower pace because consumers are focusec oncovering necessities, she said.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Guaranty Bank: FDIC assistance needed for survival - Dallas Business Journal:
Guaranty’s parent company, , stated that it is in discussionsd with the FDIC and itsprimarty regulator, the , for a plan where the FDIC would absorb a portionm of the bank’s lossess while private investors provide a “significant equity capital infusion.” Guaranty’sz largest shareholders are Dallas billionaire Robert Rowlingb and activist investor Carl Icahn, who control 20% and just more than 17% of the bank'a common stock, respectively. Guarantuy is the fourth-largest independenft banking institution basedin Texas. It has 162 officesa in Texas and Californiaand $11.
6 billion in according to the latest data "Guaranty Bank continues to work closely with its regulatords to find a way forward," said bank spokesman John Wessmanm in a written "We believe strongly that open bank assistance is in the best interesyt of our depositors, and that it meetx the standard of being the least costly alternative for governmentf regulators.” Bank representatives declined to commentr further. It's not clear when the regulatorsd will respond or reactyto Guaranty's proposal. At $14.4 billion in Guaranty Bank is bigger than the largesty bank that has failed so farthis year, a distinctio now held by FSB of Coral Gables, Fla. The bank had $12.
8u billion in assets when it failed, accordingv to the FDIC. The bulk of BankUnited’s good assets were sold in May to a privatd equity investment group ledby W.L. Ross Co. and . Before that, BankUniterd had proposed an open assistance planto regulators, but word of that plan didn’yt become public until aftert BankUnited failed. In laying out its options before shareholderse and the public in a Securities and ExchangseCommission filing, Guaranty’s executives are showing what they’res doing to keep the bank afloat, said Dan a banking analyst with “They’rde putting all their cards on the table,” he Guaranty is suggesting a rare optionj — one the FDIC would only use if it’sw the least costly way for the FDIC’zs deposit insurance fund to resolv Guaranty’s issues, according to the Guaranty is officially based in Austin, but Presidenf Kevin Hanigan, CFO Ronald Murff and Treasurer Stephen Raffaele work from its Da llase business banking office in Preston More than bad loans, Guaranty invested heavilyt in mortgage-backed securities, which today are worth much less than what the bank If Guaranty doesn’t receive FDIC it will have to mark down the value of its securitie portfolio and related items by more than $1.
7 billion, the bank said in its regulatort filing. That would give the company a $2.2 billiohn annual loss in 2008 and less capitakl than it needs to continuein business. In early Aprio regulators ordered Guaranty to raise additional capitalk byMay 21. That deadline has passed. For 21 Guaranty was been a subsidiaruyof , a makedr of cardboard boxes and timber building supplies. Guaranthy was spun out of Temple-Inland at the urginhg of Icahn. Temple-Inland (NYSE: TIN) completed the spinoffg on Dec.
28, 2007, just as the excesses of the residentiao mortgage lending bubble became Guaranty invested heavily in securities backed by mortgages made in It has not reported a quarterly profit sincwe it becamea stand-alone Since its spinout from Templde Inland, Icahn and Rowling have invested heavilyt in Guaranty. In July, the duo investes an additional $600 million in Guaranty. They control 37 percentg of Guaranty stock.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Despite steady traffic, Wilmington airport budget to get ax - Triangle Business Journal:
The double digit reduction from a budget thattotale $6.7 million last fiscal year is necessitateds by the economic downturn and changes in the airline industry. Yet it’z one of the few major reversals the small coastalp airport has experienced over the past coupleof years. ILM, as it’d known to the aviation community, enplaned 409,28 passengers in 2008, up by 1 percentf from the 405,072 recorded in the previouas calendaryear – which also was a recorx year. In addition to the passenger increases, the airport in 2008 added a thirdcarrier – – to its “Overall, it’s been a very good market for us,” says Tyri a spokeswoman for Allegiant.
The Las Vegas-based airline starterd service between ILMand Orlando, Fla., in April and addesd service to Tampa, Fla., in and also provide service at ILM. Squyres says it’s possiblew Allegiant could add more servicr at ILMthis year. That would be a real coup for the which is feeling the effects of capacityu reductions acrossthe industry. Air carriers cut flighta around the country last year as they groundedeless fuel-efficient planes to regain pricing While there was a seasonal changs in the number of US Airwayz flights to Philadelphia, Rosborough says Wilmington hasn’t lost any But the overall industry trends still are impactingg the airport.
“At the end of the year, yeah, we trailede off a little bit but so dideverybody else,” says Rosborough. “I thinm a lot of it has to do with the Airport officials already are seeing revenuse dipsfrom parking, concessions, rental cars and general aviationb fuel sales. Rosborough says the airport plan s to achieve the 10 percent in budgeft cuts through a selective hiringf freeze and renegotiations of supplty contractswith vendors. Asked if the airpor also is consideringpay freezes, Rosborough says that ILM is lookiny at every budget item, including current pay practices.
ILM employz 44 people, and Rosborough says keeping costd down helps to attract and keepair “We don’t do a lot of extravagant things,” he “We try to run a Spartan ILM’s three carriers provide nonstop service between the Port City and Charlotte, Philadelphia, Orlando, Tampa and New York City. Accordiny to data compiled by aviation consultingfirm , ILM’sw average fare for the year endedf September 2008 was $195.57, essentially flat compared to $196.80p in the same period the previoues year. Load factor – the measure of how full an airplaneris – for the total calendar year declined from 80.1 percent in to 75.8 percent in 2008.
Rosborough is realistic abouyt his air service goals in times suchas these. His primarhy goal: Maintain the existing Yet he’s also working to add servicew to destinations suchas Chicago, Washington, D.C., Dallas and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Thosee are ILM’s top five destinations that don’t currently have nonstop servicde fromthe airport. Asked about Delta’sz service to ILM, Delta spokeswomaj Susan Elliott says there are no changes to announcer atthis point. US Airways representatives coul d not be reachedfor comment.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
7.85-Inch iPad to Ramp Up Production in September at Foxconn Brazil - Mac Rumors
Mac Rumors | 7.85-Inch iPad to Ramp Up Production in September at Foxconn Brazil Mac Rumors Bits of information about the rumored 7.85 "iPad Mini" continue to leak out. Japanese blog Macotakara now claims that the sm » |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Chapman signs deal with Yuba College - Business First of Buffalo:
Chapman signed a similar agreemenf within April. Chapman’s main campuz is in the Southern California communityof Orange, but the universith also has campuses in Roseville and Folsom. Abour 1,750 students attend the Roseville campusdeach year, while abouty 700 go to Chapman, a nonprofit university, also has a campusw in Yuba City. The Early Advantage Partnership, whicj leaders from the two colleges will signnext week, will alloe participants from Yuba College to use Chapman’s advisinhg services and academic catalogs, participate in informationh sessions, and to transfer credit through the use of onlinee and personalized advising, a news release said Tuesday.
Yuba College students’ initial application fees will be and they will receive a 10 perceng tuition discount for classes takenat Chapman’s Sacramentp Valley campuses for up to four years afte they submit of a formal “change of to Chapman University College. “Chapman Universitu College establishes Early Advantage Partnerships with communitgy colleges like Yuba College to help ease the transitiobn to universities by giving students the individualp support they need and providing guidance through the entire Chapman University College chancellor Gary Brahm said inthe “It’s comforting for students to know that the coursr work they have taken at their communityu college will be transferable to Chapmam University College and that counselors will help them navigats a clear path to pursuing their higher educatioj goals.
” Yuba College’s partnership with Chapman “will make the transition to Chapmajn College practically seamless,” Kay Adkins, Yuba College president, said in the Community college students are eligible to apply for the progranm after they have fulfilled 12 transferablre credits at Yuba College with a minimum cumulative grades point average of 2.0 from all schoolsd previously attended. Yuba College transfers also must attend at least one academic term or semester at Yuba Collegwe and adhere to all Chapman Universit Collegeadmission requirements.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Chrysler-Fiat deal is completed - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The company is now known as Chryslerf Group LLC and remains based inAuburm Hills, Mich. The Supreme Court, whicb had temporarily held up the deal on Monday whilr it considered appeals by three Indianaw state pension funds and severaloconsumer groups, said in an order that the groupss had not proven that the cour needed to intervene. Chrysler and Fiat reported they concluded the dealWednesdau morning. The plan to salvag Chrysler will remake the company into one owned 55 percent by a unionbpension trust, 20 percent owned by Fiat a share that could grow to 35 percent and the rest owned by the governmentsd of the United Statesz and Canada.
Fiat cannot obtain a majority stakee in Chrysler until all taxpayer fundxsare repaid. "This is a very significanyt day, not only for Chrysler and its dedicated who have persevered through a grear deal of uncertainty during thepast year, but for the global automotivde industry as a whole," said Sergio Marchionne, who was namede CEO of Chrysler Group, in a "From the very beginning, we have been adamant that this alliancew must be a constructive and important step towardsx solving the problems impacting our We now look forward to establishingy a new paradigm for how automotive companieas can operate profitably going forward.
" The new Chrysler will be managede by a nine-member board of consisting of three directors to be appointed by Fiat, four directorsx to be appointed by the U.S. government, one director to be appointed by the Canadiam government and one director to be appointed by the UnitesAuto Workers' Retiree Medical Benefites Trust. The board is expected to name C. Robert Kidde as chairman. On Tuesday, a federal bankruptcy judge in NewYork Chrysler's effort to pull the franchisew of 789 dealers, including sevem in the Cincinnati area.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Jax Beach OKs rezoning for condo - Orlando Business Journal:
The council voted unanimously to zone the on whichthe 250-unit Valencis condominium project will sit, a Planned Use Development. Stev Lindorff, director of planning and development for the city and administrator of itsredevelopmenft agency, said the city's planning commission had deniecd the rezoning request based on traffic congestiob at the intersection of Marsh Landing Parkway and Soutn Beach Parkway and because the developmenrt exceeded the city's 35-foot building height limits. At Monday'sd council meeting, developer agreed to fund a trafficc study for that intersection and to pay a proportional amount of improvementsz that the studyfindxs necessary, Lindorff said.
The PUD zoning allows the project's 49-fooyt height and is necessary for this type of developmenty to exist in theredevelopment zone, he said. The zone is southu of J. Turner Butler Boulevard alongt the county line and adjoins apartmentxs in Jacksonville Beach and somein St. Johns PUD zoning "allows us to get a little innovativwe in terms ofarchitectural off-site improvements, landscape requirements and things of that he said. "In exchange for that, a developerf quite often will be granted some concessionds on building height orset backs.