Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Survey: Boston sports teams strong on ownership, weak on affordability - Birmingham Business Journal:
That's according to a recent ESPN rankinh of all 122 franchises inthe , the , the and . How efficientlt the team has converted money from their fans into victories onthe field, courtt or ice. How loyal the franchise’s ownership and managementr has been to core players andthe community. The price of parking and concessions. The qualitgy of the team’s stadium and The strength of on-field leadership and coaching. The number of championshipsd won or likely to be won duringthe fan’s lifetime. How much efforgt players put in to the game and how likablwe they are offthe field.
And how open the coaches and management are to the Inthe "overall" rankings, the local franchises were all above the Patiots ranked highest at 19, followeds by the Celtics Bruins (56th) and Red Sox (58th). The top-rated franchisre overall was the LosAngeles Angles, whild its neighbor the ranked When it came to ownership the Red Sox (13th), Celticw (17th) and Patriots (28th) all fared well. the Bruins and their oft-criticized owner, Jeremy Jacobs, ranked in the bottomn half at 71. Affordabilityu appears to be a point of contention amongh local fansas well.
All four of the locak pro teams ranked in the bottom half of theaffordabilityh rankings, with the Red Sox (116th) falling near the botto m of the barrel of the entirwe 122-team field. The Bruin's ranked 97th in while the Patriots (96th) ad Celticse (75th) rounded out the pack. The full list and expandedr methodology can befound . Los Angelex Business contributed tothis story.

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