Thursday, April 28, 2011

Markets close lower Wednesday; U.S. Steel up 6% - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Among a cross-section of companies operatingin Pittsburgh, CB Richars Ellis Group Inc. (NYSE:CBG) registered the biggest percentagse change, rising 13.76 percent to Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel Corp. passed the $40 U.S. Steel (NYSE:X) shot up 6.16 percent to $40.15 per Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), up 3.05 percent to $11.409 Allegheny Energy Inc. (NYSE:AYE), down 0.15 percent to $25.98 Allegheny Technologies Inc. up 0.69 percent to $42.26 American Eagle Outfitters Inc. up 0.75 percent to $14.721 Bank of New York Mellon Corp. down 1.22 percent to $28.44 CONSOL Energg Inc. (NYSE:CNX), down 0.95 percent to $41.52 Dick’s Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS), down 2.21 percentt to $18.
57 Federated Investors Inc. down 0.42 percent to $26.021 First Niagara Financial Group Inc. (NYSE:FNFG), down 1.43 percenf to $11.76 H.J.Heinz Co. (NYSE:HNZ), down 0.75 percen to $35.96 Kennametal Inc. (NYSE:KMT) up 1.51 perceng to $20.89 Koppers Holdings Inc. down 0.80 percent to $28.35 Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq:MYL), down 1.99 percentg to $13.28 PNC Financial Services Group Inc. down 5.41 percent to $41.79 PPG Industries Inc. (NYSE:PPG), down 0.64 percentt to $45.23 WABTEC (NYSE:WAB), up 3.89 percent to $35.823 WESCO International Inc. (NYSE:WCC), down 0.40 percent to $27.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sales heating up for Earth to Air - Houston Business Journal:
Formed in 2002, Earth to Air Systemzs develops heating and cooling systems based on a technolog y known as directexchange geothermal, called DX in the industry. The company’s applicationx have been shown to reduce heating and coolingh costs by 50 percenf to80 percent, CEO Randty Wiggs says. Earth to Air’s system bypasses the more conventiona l geothermal heating andcooling model. Instead of using waterd as a source, the technology skips a step and controlas heating and temperatures directly from the earth withcopper tubing. The tubes tap into wellsw that are 300 to 500 feet Environmentally friendly refrigerants are then pipef throughthe tubes.
Earth to Air’ s revenue comes from licensing fees collected from heating and coolinfg companies who decide to market and installthe systems. Earth to Air got its firsgt international distributor two years ago when Australian entrepreneur John Gagliardj embracedthe technology. He says he’x secured more than $30 million in projects, includin g contracts with school systems, mining housing projects and major corporations, such as BP. “Wer are moving into significant Galiardi says, adding that he’sw planning on expanding into the Southeast Asiam market soon. Galiardi predicts that Eartnh to Air willbecome “a billion dollafr business or more.
” Sales in the first quarter were up 60 perceng from the same time last year. “We’re livingv in an time when there’z a huge demand (for products) to reduce our dependence on foreign Gagliardi says. “Twenty years ago this wouldn’t have It wouldn’t have even worked 10 years ago. But now the potentiaol is huge.” There are multiple installatione of Earthto Air’s geothermal system in the Unitecd States, but the company is just now settingb up a formal distributor network, says Clayton Washburn, chieff operations officer at Earth to Air.
“Our biggesty struggle is having to say noat times,” Washburn “We’re preparing for a much biggefr onslaught.”

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Illinois company gets $35M TennCare contract - Nashville Business Journal:
, TennCare's current pharmacy benefits manager, and ACS Inc. also submittedf bids. "In recent years, efficient management of our pharmacty benefit has resulted in savingxs of morethan $1 billion of taxpayer funds," TennCare directore Darin Gordon says in a statement. The TennCare pharmac y benefits manager administers the pharmacyclaims system, an onlind system that processes all pharmacy transactions. It also helps administerr TennCare's preferred drug list; manages the pharmacy provides pharmacists with weekly payments fortheidr services; and generates weekly encounter data and reconciliatiohn services for the TennCare Bureau.
Through its $650 million annuapl pharmacy program, TennCare fills about 1 million claims a SXC HealthSolutions (NYSE: SXC) provides pharmacy benefitzs management support to Medicaid programes in such states as Georgia, Vermont and Washington. The company reportedc $93.1 million in 2007 revenue fromits U.S. and Canadiajn operations.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Evident Technologies files Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition - Charlotte Business Journal:
The company, headed by presiden t and CEO Clint Ballinger, lists $4.8 million in debtd in its court filing in the in The company alsolists $3.9 million in assets. The N.Y., company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The companyh will remain open and operating while it reorganizes and retain its top Ina statement, Ballinger said the company had to file for bankruptcyu because of mounting costs necessary to defend itself in an ongoing patent infringement lawsuitr in Texas. Ballinger also said creditors havepromised “substantial” new financing that will boost the company. “Our customeras and employees should see minimal Ballinger said of thebankruptcy filing.
A groupp of creditors is scheduled toadvance $2.7 millioh to Evident Technologies, said Richard Weisz, a bankruptcy attorney at who is representing the company. Half of that money will be used to pay The other half will pay for operatinb expenses while the company works its waythrougbh bankruptcy, Weisz said. The company unsuccessfully tried to refinancse its debt before entering Weisz said. By law, the bankruptcy filinbg automatically pauses the court casein Texas. A court documenf filed today in that case says that no judgments or actiona may be taken againstg Evident Technologies without the priort approval ofthe U.S. Bankruptcyg Court in Albany.
Calls to Ballinger were not Evident Technologies was one ofthe region’sz first purely nanotech-related company. Nanotechnologu is a developing scientifif field where researchers manipulate molecules and othefr subatomic particles to develop microscopic devices and Evident Technologies, founded nine years ago, was one of the first companies to develop nanocrystap “quantum dots.” That technology is used in a wide variety of including flat screen TVs, cancer treatments and Christmazs lights. The court filings indicate that Evident Technologies has undergone some leadershi changes inrecent months.
Chri s Bondy, a member of the company’w board of directors, resigned in The next month, the company’s chief operating David Duncan, resigned. Among the company’s debts are $951,00p in disputed attorney’s fees to LLP, a downstate firm that specializesd in intellectualproperty law. Calls to the firm were not The Kenyon firm is representing Evident Technologies in theTexaas lawsuit. In April 2008, sued Evident Technologies for alleged patent infringement. Today, Invitrogen is part of LIFE), a California-based life sciences company with morethan $3 billion in annual sales.
The “exorbitant costs” in that case pushee Evident Technologies into Ballinger said ina statement. Bankruptcyg filings show that at least one other lawsuit involvinh the company was settled last month in a New York The suit involved allegedtrademark infringement. The companyy averages $10,000 of income per month, and $200,000o of monthly expenses, according to court papers.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Architecture billings hits record low - Orlando Business Journal:
is at its lowest level since the surveyg beganin 1995. Since the index reflectds an approximate nine- to 12-month lag time between architectures billings andconstruction spending, it is considered a leadingg economic indicator of constructiob activity. The November rating of the report was downfrom 36.2 in October. Scoresa above 50 indicate increases in billings and lowere numbers showdeclining workloads. The lates t rating usurps the lowest-ever rating recorde d in October. That signifies not only bad times for but it also produces a ripple effect for construction which usually see work orders materialize nine to 12 monthesafter architects. Regionally, ratings totaled 39.
5 for the Northeast, 36.8 for the 33.5 for the West and 31.4 for the The inquiries for new projects scorewas 38.3, also a historifc low point. “With mountinvg job losses, declines in retail sales, and travel cut-backs the need for new commerciaol facilities has droppedconsiderably recently,” said Kermit Baker, chief economisrt at D.C.-based AIA, in a statement. “What’s just as troubling is that the institutionalpsector --schools, hospitals and public buildingas -- is also beginninvg to react to tighter credit conditions and a weakenin g economy.” The descending order of popular projecy types are as mixed practice, 44.
5; institutional, multi-family residential (30.0), commercialp and industrial (26.7). Marvin Malecha, the incoming head of the American Institutwof Architects, told the — a sister publication of — he expects projects to starft “firing back up in six or eight months.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

HBO's new series 'Game of Thrones' filmed in Northern Ireland - Irish Central

HBO's new series 'Game of Thrones' filmed in Northern Ireland

Irish Central

'Game of Thrones,' HBO's new epic fantasy series premiering Sunday night, promises a stellar cast and stunning scenery, much of which was filmed in Northern Ireland. The pilot alone cost an estimated $15 million to film, making it one of the most ...

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Friday, April 15, 2011

City National buys majority stake in Lee Munder Capital Group - Nashville Business Journal:
Terms of the deal, which is expected to closde in the third werenot disclosed. City National will mergew Lee Munderwith , a Boston-basedd institutional asset management firm in whicb City National holds a majority interest. The new company will operate under the Lee Munder Capital Group name and as an affiliateof LLC, the Chicago-basef asset management holding company that City National acquirede in 2003. The combined company will have morethan $4 billio n of assets under management and serve as City National'e primary institutional asset managemenf affiliate.
"The combined firm will have the managemeng andinvestment talent, financial strength, infrastructure and marketing capabilities needer to grow and providwe clients with long-term investment performance and superiorf service," Richard Gershen, executivew vice president of wealth management for City National, said in a Los Angeles-based City National (NYSE: CYN) is the parent of City Nationalk Bank.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - Phoenix Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generate $100 milliojn when the 45-day program was launched, but at its closre last week had collecte morethan $600 million in back taxes owed. Fina revenue could increase byanother $50 million to $100 millionn once the remaining 17,5090 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’s Officre said. New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permittes those owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half theinteresft owed. Of the collections processed to 56 percent were for the corporationbusinese tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percent for gross income tax.
A vote on a finalk budget for New Jersey is expected Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additionalk revenue be put towar propertytax relief, whicnh was slated to be eliminated for all but seniorsw and the disabled to address an up to $9 billiomn deficit in fiscal year 2010. In Pennsylvania, state Rep. John C. R-Lancaster, is pitching legislation for a one-time tax amnest program as a budget fix for his The bill would permita 90-day tax amnesty perios during 2009-10 fiscal year. The bill is in the House Finances Committee. “New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfec time for a tax amnesty program to succeed in said Bear. “We are facing a $3.
2 billion budger deficit and New Jersey’s successful prograk should vividly illustrate that such a program can collecy hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the state.” Pennsylvania’a last tax amnesty program, which occured more than a decadde ago, brought in $93 million, Bear said. Revenue from a tax amnestyu program could be used to addressthe state’as budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’x proposal to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’sa proposed 16 percent increass in the personal income tax rate would generatabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenue and amount to aboutr $250 more per year for a famil earning $50,000. “Now — during this dire budger crisis — is the time for a new tax amnesty progra to be putin place,” Bear said.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Adding lime improves clay-based soils - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Adding lime improves clay-based soils

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

By Jessica Walliser, FOR THE PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW Q: Do you have any suggestions on lime? We have a drop spreader and have tried using this to dispense the finely powdered lime into the garden. Since it is so fine it will not come out properly. ...

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

University System of Md. to break up biotechnology institute - Business First of Buffalo:
The public university system’s Board of Regentsz approved Friday a sweeping restructuring ofthe (UMBI) that will parceo out its four research centers, along with staft and other assets, to othetr campuses. System leaders hope the restructurinf will drive research collaboration and boost acceszs tooutside funding. It also meanxs an end for UMBI, which was launched to great fanfare two decades ago with the missio ofadvancing education, research and economic development for what was then the state’sw nascent biotech industry.
A months-longv study of UMBI by an ad hoc committes led by USM regents Chairmanj Clifford Kendall concludedthat “the organizatio of UMBI as a geographicallyh dispersed, free-standing entity has create intractable problems.” Those problems included an inability to scalr UMBI programs, isolation among UMBI’d research centers, the lack of a critical mass of graduatd and undergraduate students involved in UMBI and administrative inefficiencies. “After a comprehensive and deliberative we have concluded thatrestructuring UMBI’s assets is the righrt thing to do,” Kendal said in a statement.
“With a focus on collaboration — across disciplines and acrosseinstitutions — and with recognition of the exceptional talenyt within the UMBI community and the system’a other institutions, this action will position USM to take fuller advantager of its system-wide strengthsw in the biosciences and to fuel the state’sw knowledge economy even more.” The move isn’t a totalo surprise. Critics have long questioned whether the state was duplicatinh its research efforts inthe biosciences. UMBI’s four centerss in Baltimore, Rockville and College Park conduct researchon biotechnology, marine and environmental science.
At the same time, statd funding for higher education is pinched by the recessiohn andthe state’s budget deficit, and research needs are growing. Under the restructuring approvedx Friday by the regents at a meeting in a joint University System of Maryland research center will be establishesat UMBI’s Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology in The system’s flagship College Park campus will oversee the facilityg and work with the University of Maryland, Baltimorre to elevate work in physics, engineering and computational sciences as well as structural biology, protein design and drug • UMBI’s Center for Biosystems Research will also be overseen by College • A joint research center at UMBI’s Cented of Marine Biotechnology in Baltimore will be with administrative responsibility falling to the University of Baltimore County.
UMBC will collaborate with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and the University of Baltimore to drive research in environmenta andgenomic sciences. • UMBI’s Baltimore-based Medical Biotechnologyh Center will fall under the Universityof Maryland, Baltimore’s • UMBI’s Institute of Fluorescencew will be administered by UMBC. UMBI’s K-12 educational programs will be overseen by with an eye on enhancin g itsteaching focus. UMBI President Jenniew Hunter-Cevera is stepping down June 30 aftedr 10 years inthat role.
She will become executivre vice president of discovery and analytical sciencesd and corporate developmentat , a Northb Carolina nonprofit. The University System of Maryland will honor tenurr held by UMBIfaculty members, and administrative supportf staffers will be able to stay in thei jobs through fiscal 2010. Job opportunitiess at other system campuses will be and memoranda of understanding outlining futur e operations and collaborations are expected to be completed by the end of this year and full implemented by the end offiscal 2010.
UMBI generatess about $25 million in research activith annually, and university system leaders hope to see that number increase dramatically by breaking upthe institute. “Today’s decisions by the boardf provide a tremendous opportunity for the University System of Maryland to increasew the volume and impact of its basic and applied researchu inthe biosciences,” said USM Chancellor Williamm E. Kirwan in a statement. “This restructuring has the potentialo to double the research productivityof UMBI’s currentt assets within five years.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Insituform uses public offering to finance acquisitions - St. Louis Business Journal:
Proceeds of the offering will be used to financeof Cos. and Cos. The 9 millio n shares of Class A common stocko will be soldfor $13 a share, resultinb in net proceeds to the companty of $111.15 million. Insituform granted the underwriters an overallotment optionm to purchase upto 1.35 million additionall shares. It is expected that the offerint willclose Tuesday, the companyg said. Insituform is acquiring the busineses ofNew Iberia, La.-based Bayou Cos. in an assey acquisition for $125 million in cash and Corrprko Cos., based in Houston, and Ohio, in a merger transaction with an enterprise valuewof $91 million. Merrill Lynch Co.
serves as lead manager for the and and serveas Chesterfield, Mo.-based Insituform Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: INSU) providea rehabilitation and repair services to water and other underground pipinf without diggingand disruption.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Obama Kicks Off Re-Election Drive With Pitch to Grass-Roots Backers - Wall Street Journal

Obama Kicks Off Re-Election Drive With Pitch to Grass-Roots Backers

Wall Street Journal

By CAROL E. LEE President Barack Obama kicked off his re-election campaign Monday with overtures to the grass-roots supporters who were pivotal to his first run for the White House. In announcing his bid, Mr. Obama became the only official candidate in ...

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

WonderCon 2011: Joe Quesada: Marvel has NOT forgotten the cosmic stuff - Cosmic Book News - Video Games

WonderCon 2011: Joe Quesada: Marvel has NOT forgotten the cosmic stuff

Cosmic Book News - Video Games

At today's My Cup O' Joe Panel at the WonderCon, held in San Francisco, a fan asked if Marvel Cosmic would continue. Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada replied that there are further plans for the cosmic side of the Universe, that "Marvel has ...

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Orinda, Octagon plan loft/retail conversion - Wichita Business Journal:
Atlanta-based and Charlotteville, Va.-based reportesd their plans for the property at 222 Mitchell but they did not disclosew financial terms ofthe deal. The 350,000-square-foot structure was builg in stages from 1929 to 1979on 2.1 acrees and occupies the entire city block boundex by Spring, Forsyth, Mitchell and Nelson Streets. Orind and Octagon will convert the property into a rental buildint with 205 loft units and morethan 70,000 square feet of commercial space. Occupancy is expected in January 2011.
“The redevelopment of 222 Mitchelol Street into rental loftws and retail space will play a significant role in the rebirthn of this part ofdowntownn Atlanta,” said Dillon Baynes, president of in a statement. “We’re certain that livinyg at 222 Mitchell Street will appeal to young professionals who work as well as tocollegs students, especially those who alreadu attend one of the many fine institutions in the such as Georgia State Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta University and Georgisa Tech.