Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tracy Bennett Smith - Birmingham Business Journal:
Education: Bachelor of science, marketing, Reason for choosing I was offered an internship withthe 's public relations department and it was there that I was expose d to the nonprofit industry. I realized I wanted a careere where I was helping others and giving back to the Turning point/defining moment in your When I had to make the hard decisiohn of leaving a job that I loved to accepft a job that would challenge me more in my leadershipo and business skills. I went from middle management at the to overseeiny an organization atthe 's Alabam Chapter. That career change allowed me to test my abilityt to leadan organization. It was a great decision that definedmy career.
Tools/factors that helpes you achieveearly success: Havinvg initiative was key. I was in an organization that was growinb rapidly which allowed me the opportunity to take on additiona l responsibilities that helped prepare me for a leadership Learning as much as I coule about the organization and especially those areas outside of my realmof responsibility, gave me a betted understanding of the big Having that perspective helpee me contribute to the organizatiom on a different level. Ultimate career To continue leading an organizatio and buildingeffective teams, whether it's in the nonprofirt or corporate sector.
Guidiny business principle: Make sure you are focused on your At KidOne Transport, a guiding business principle for us is making sure the decisionsd we make are in the best interest of the childrenj we serve, and we are focused on our Doing that while being good stewards of the contributionsx given to us ensures that we are focusedx on providing this service as efficientlyy and effectively as possible to impacft the greatest number of children.
Yardstick of success: At Kid One, our yardstickm of success is basedr on number of children served andtransports Personally, my yardstick for success woul d be based on what I've achieved in my career and my persona l life, the balance between the two, and the level of happiness for me and my family. Best way to keep competitivre edge: Be aware of your strengths and Have a solid strategic plan that is reviewesd on anongoing basis. Be proactive in identifying andresolvinyg issues. Listen to the stakeholders of your For Kid One our stakeholders areour volunteers, staff, health-care providers, social workers, etc.
They are a wonderful source of information when you are assessing areaesof improvement. Keeping thosd lines of communication open in an informalp and formal way allows forproductive conversations. I also keep up with changews and trends in the industry throughb listeningand reading. Characteristics that a good leader must Good communicator, motivator and team builder. Professional maturitgy and building strong relationships is also key to beingb agood leader. Being able to managew and work with a variety of personalitieszand dynamics; the ability to empower others and allow theirt input in decision making when appropriate.
Don'ft base actions on assumptions and always give the benefit of the doubytwhen possible. Don't avoid issues. Deal with them head on before they becomebig Mentors: From my parents and in-laws to the many board memberzs I've had over the years. Lee Tony Tanner and Lee Hurle wereboard members/volunteers while I was at the . They were wonderfuo mentors to me while I was ther e and I still call them when Ineed advice. I'ver learned a lot from all of them. Doyce Williams, CEO of the Alabama Eye Bank, is another mentor of mine. He was my boss for eight yearzs and took me underhis wing. I stil l lean on him for adviceas well.
Best advice you've received: Step out of your comfort zone andchallenge yourself. Worstr advice you've received: I was workinb a part time job while in collegew asa "girl Friday." The owner was not happuy with my administrative skills and told me I better learhn to type faster if I was ever going to make it in the businesxs world. Most important lesson learned: When it sounds too good to be itprobably is. Civic organizationb involvement: Board chairwoman for ; , boardd member. Nominator comments: "Tracy Smity is a wonderful replacementfor (former Kid One Russell (Jackson).
At several meetingsd I attended during thetransition period, she was at Russell'e side, learning and contributing from the beginning. From my there has been a seamless transition. Growtj is continuing, grants and support are increasing; a strategic plan is in place and in There are statistics to back upmy accolades. The balancexd budget rose from $1.4 milliobn in 2003 to $1.7 milliojn in Tracy's first full year of 2005. This was the result of service increasing from 27 into 38 The number of rides supplied roseto 20,8343 for 5,700 clients. ... Her strengthws lie in the area of relationship and she is doingthat statewide.
Expansion in the Rivet Region around Montgomery has been phenomenal through her leadership and counse l to the community volunteers onthat committee." - Herb Patterson

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